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BTP300B Team 2 Weekly Log

74 bytes removed, 20:15, 11 November 2012
Week 5
==Week 5 ==
0810/10/2012 : Shajinth reviewed Designed and Developed the cfield class. Auquib created a driver program to test this class.
0910/10/2012 : Auquib wrote code for clabel reviewed the cfield class. Shajinth and created visual studio project and tested a driver program to test this code in windows environmentclass
10/10/2012 : assigned Shajinth reviewed clabel class Added delete [] (char*)pdata(); line in set function roles: Shajinth will be doing CField and CButton and Auquib will be doing CLabel and CLine. tested the code in linux environment by writing driver program for it
10/10/2012 : Auquib wrote code for cline clabel class. Shajinth reviewed the cbutton class. Auquib integrated the completed and created visual studio project and tested this code for release 0.2 in linux windows environment. Shajinth compiled and test the code in linux.
 1110/1014/2012 : Shajinth reviewed the complete code. Auquib took the screenshot by running visual studio project
==Week 6 ==

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