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WonderCode 20123 - OOP344

2,576 bytes added, 18:25, 12 December 2012
0.4 milestone
## CCheckList Mock-up Class (issue 2.9) (by Jieming Feng and reviewed by Guiwen Chen)
==== 0.X 3 Milestone (Due Sat 17 & Sun 18) ====* Assigned to: [ FULLNAME]#CField, Dialog and Label (by Guiwen Chen, Linpei Fan & Rody Choi)* Code review #line Edit (by: [mailto:EMAILID@mysenecaDiaoqiang He ) ==== FULLNAME]4 milestone ====* Status:#CButton*: #CValEdit (being developed/pull request/being reviewed/pushed to masterby Guiwen Chen)* comments:#CCheckMark (by Rody Choi) ==== 0.6 milestone ====#CText*:#CheckList
== Coding Rules ==
* Define each variable in a new line;
* Keep functions simple and clear;
* Use safeguards in header file (i.e.: #pragma once)
== Meetings ==* (latest will be on top) ==* [[(Irc)logs of meeting number # ## - oop344 20113 | 0.4 Milestone and Nov. 24: ]]Audio conference in Skype. Discussed the problems in CCheckMark. Code and test it.* [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | topic 0.3 Milestone and date1 Nov. 19: ]]Audio conference in Skype. Discussed the problems in CLineEdit. Code and test it.* [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | 0.3 Milestone and Nov. 18: ]]Audio conference in Skype. Discussed the problems in CDialog. Code and test it. * [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | Merging and Solve Merging Problems and Nov. 9: ]]Audio conference in Skype. Discussed the problems on merging. There were some errors when merging branch back to master. It prompted that there were unmerged files and merge conflict. Explored those problem. Finally, all branches were merged to master by resetting it.* [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | topic Branching Again in Git and date2 Nov. 8: ]]Met in person in school. Discussed more details on previous topics.* [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | Branching in Github and Nov. 5: ]]Meeting held in IRC. Discussed how to use GUI and command line to create branches, create issues and make pull requests.
== Discussions ==
* DH1118: To easily find the latest codes from Github in the Object, we have to make sure we push the updates to THE branches...
* RC1116: Every project needs to be managed by milestone and issues, doesn't it? and we need to review the codes before merge to master.
* DH1109: Indentation! Plz use exactly 4 spaces for each indentation. Otherwise, when we open the codes in Github in the "master", they will look ugly. To set this up, go Visual C++ - Tools - Options - Text Editor - C/C++ - Tabs, set "Indenting" to "Smart", choose "Insert spaces", and set both "Tab size" and "Indent size" to 4. Or, go Notepad++ - Settings - Preferences - Language Menu/Tab Settings, set "Tab size" to 4 and check "Replace by space".
* DH1106-2: I am thinking about how to communicate effectively. I guess we have to narrow down to just 1 or 2 places to meet constantly, so that we could keep in tight touch during this project. I'll start with an email to you and hopefully we'll get to an agreement these days.
* DH1106-1: One suggestion -- can we always add a thread id in front of each discussion? As you see, it could start with the name initials and then the date. The benefit is that we could refer to the particular problem simply by using the thread id when we are discussing it in other places, e.g. the chatting room, the discussion board, the blog, the github, the class, the documentation.
* I am in trouble because I push the "fork" button. I think I changed the master...Can you anybody help me?? @.@ <-- I emailed Fardad to help me out. Sorry for that
* Does anyone know where methods _frame->draw() or draw() in void CFrame::refresh() comes from? I cannot find it in Bconsole or Console. In CFrame, there is a draw(int) method. But I am not sure if it calls draw(int). --> <u>Hey Lily, if you click F12 on the draw() text, you can see the function's definition,(maybe you already know that) so I think _frame->draw() comes from CFrame::draw(). If you have other opinion, let me know. ^^</u>

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