no edit summary
{{OOP344 Index | 20123}}
The template below shows the entry format of the teams and their members in '''[[#Teams | Teams]]''' section. <br />Please review your team information and make sure they are correct and if not, modify them to match the following format<pre>==Entry Format= Team Name ===<big><pre> * Github repo id: TBA # Name LastName - email:[mailto:YourSenecaID@myseneca.ca YourSenecaID] - Github:[http://github.com/githubID githubID] - IRC nick# Name LastName - email:[mailto:YourSenecaID@myseneca.ca YourSenecaID] - Github:[http://github.com/githubID githubID] - IRC nick# Name lastName LastName - email:[mailto:YourIDYourSenecaID@myseneca.ca YourIDYourSenecaID] - Github:[http://github.com/githubID githubID] - IRC nick# etc... [mailto:YourSenecaID1@myseneca.ca;YourSenecaID2@myseneca.ca;etc@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344%20-%20 Email All] </pre> After double-checking your team information in this page, create a separate page for your team using [[Team page template - oop344 20123|provided template]]. (note that only the format provided in the [[Team page template - oop344 20123|template]] is acceptable. Also make sure the page name ends with semester id (i.e. My Team 20123 - OOP344 ) and has the following is added in content at the very beginning of the page:<big><pre>{{OOP344 Index | 20123}}</pre></big>The above adds the main oop344 index to the top of the page for semester 20123
==Not in a team==
* Igor de Medeiros - email: [mailto:idemedeiros@myseneca.ca idemedeiros] - Github: [http://github.com/idemedeiros idemedeiros] (confirmed, added by Fardad)
* Rafael Rodrigues - email: [mailto:rdasilvarodrigues@myseneca.ca rdasilvarodrigues] - Github: [http://github.com/sidan sidan] (confirmed, added by Fardad)
==Teams=====I) Team Name: [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Alpha Alpha]===
number of team members: 5
* Ronny Wan Email: [mailto:rwan3@myseneca.ca rwan3] GitHub: [http://github.com/ronnywan ronnywan] (confirmed)
===II) Team Name: [[WonderCode|WonderCode]]===
number of team members: 5
* Lily (Linpei Fan) - Email:[mailto:lfan9@myseneca.ca lfan9] - Github:[http://github.com/lilyfan lilyfan] (confirmed)
===III) Team Name: [[Skynet|Skynet]]===
number of team members: 5
* Dyllon Ricardo - Email:[mailto:ddricardo@myseneca.ca ddricardo] - Github:[http://github.com/Dyllon-R Dyllon-R] (confirmed)
===IV) Team Name: C Shepherd===
number of team members: 5
* Yaraslau Nikifarau - email: [mailto:ynikifarau@myseneca.ca ynikifarau], Github: [http://github.com/ynikifarau ynikifarau] (confirmed)
===V) Team Name: Rhys' Pieces===
number of team members: 5
* Seong Geun Yoon - email:[mailto:sgyoon@myseneca.ca sgyoon] - Github:[http://github.com/sgyoon sgyoon] (confirmed, new memeber)
===VI) Team Name: [[oopTech|oopTech]]===
number of team members: 5
* Sunny Parnami [mailto:sparnami@learn.senecac.on.ca email] - Github: [http://github.com/sparnami sparnami] (confirmed, team name spelled incorrectly in email)
===VII) Team Name: [[Code Hunters|Code Hunters]]===
number of team members: 5
* Yun Yang - Email: [mailto:yyang154@myseneca.ca yyang154] - Github: [http://github.com/hamumu hamumu] (confirmed)
===VIII) Team Name: [[Knock-Knock!!|Knock-Knock!!]] ===
number of team members: 5
* Tian Hang Zhouchen - Email: [mailto:thzhouchen@myseneca.ca thzhouchen] - Github: [http://github.com/thzhouchen thzhouchen] (confirmed)
===IX) Team Name: GP ===
number of team members: 5
* Wei Wang - email: [mailto:wwang125@myseneca.ca wwang125] - Github: [http://github.com/weiwang727 weiwang727] (confirmed)
===X) Team Name: [[cpaCoderpz|cpaCoderpz]] ===
number of team members: 5
* Joseph Visconti - email:[mailto:jvisconti2@myseneca.ca jvisconti2] - Github:[http://github.com/Joseph-Visconti Joseph-Visconti] (confirmed)
===XI) Team Name: [[Hadouken]] ===
Number of team members: 5
* Paulo Vitor Souza - email:[mailto:pvbezerradesouza@learn.senecac.on.ca pvbezerradesouza] - Github:[http://github.com/zvitor zvitor] (confirmed)
===XII) Team Name: [[Sive]] ===
Number of team members: 5
* Donghu Zhang- Email:[mailto:dzhang50@myseneca.ca dzhang50] - Github:[http://github.com/donghu donghu] (confirmed)
===XIII) Team Name: [[The Sixth Core]] ===
Number of team members: 5
* Prateek Chadha - email:[mailto:pchadha@learn.senecac.on.ca pchadha] - Github:[http://github.com/pchadha pchadha] (confirmed, new member)
===XIV) Team Name: [[Innovative Coders]] ===
Number of team members: 5
* Prasanth Vaaheeswaran - email:[mailto:pvaaheeswaran@myseneca.ca pvaaheeswaran] - Github:[http://github.com/vprasanth vprasanth] (confirmed, new member)
===XV) Team Name: [[The Scurvy Curs]] ===
Number of team members: 4
* Saro Avakian - email: [mailto:savakian1@myseneca.ca savakian1] - Github: [http://github.com/saro-avakian saro-avakian] (confirmed, new member)
===XVI) Team Name: Omega===
Number of team members: 5
* Hao Gia Nguyen - email: [mailto:hgnguyen1@myseneca.ca hgnguyen1] - Github: [http://github.com/Haoster Haoster] (confirmed)
* Rafael Rodrigues - email: [mailto:rdasilvarodrigues@myseneca.ca rdasilvarodrigues] - Github: [http://github.com/sidan sidan] (confirmed)
* Christopher Ho - email:[mailto:csho3@learn.senecac.on.ca csho3] - Github:[http://github.com/Chhoris Chhoris] (confirmed, new member)
===XVII) Team Name: Beta===
Number of team members: 4
* Mark Hom - email:[mailto:mahom@myseneca.ca mahom] - Github:[http://github.com/oddball21 oddball21]
* Yoav Gurevich - email:[mailto:ygurevich@myseneca.ca ygurevich] - Github: [http://github.com/yoavgurevich yoavgurevich]
* Boris Njike - email:[mailto:bmnjikeleugue@myseneca.ca bmnjikeleugue] - Github:[http://github.com/bonilerel1 bonilerel1]
=== Team Name ===
Github repo id: TBA
* Name LastName - email:[mailto:YourSenecaID@myseneca.ca YourSenecaID] - Github:[http://github.com/githubID githubID] - IRC nick
* Name LastName - email:[mailto:YourSenecaID@myseneca.ca YourSenecaID] - Github:[http://github.com/githubID githubID] - IRC nick
* Name LastName - email:[mailto:YourSenecaID@myseneca.ca YourSenecaID] - Github:[http://github.com/githubID githubID] - IRC nick
* etc...
[mailto:YourSenecaID1@myseneca.ca;YourSenecaID2@myseneca.ca;etc@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344%20-%20 Email All]