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So it's safe to assume that modifiers void row(int) and void col(int) will receive coordinates of top-left corner (row and col respectively) of the current frame relative to the parent frame.
<br>'''Answer Submitted by:''' 010101000110010101100001011011010011010000110010 <br> '''Q:''' Since we can have a potential of unlimited frames within frames, how can we tell how many frames are in the console? (how far down in the frames within frames) <br>'''Question Submitted by:''' Wesley Hamilton and Joe Higginson<br> '''A:''' You can use this simple function to calculate the number of parents within parents of the current frame: <source lang="cpp"> int SomeClass::number_of_parents(){ return (parent ? 1+parent->number_of_parents() : 0); //"parent" is a reference to the parent of the current frame } </source> But you can't know how many children the current frame has, unless you create special class members to keep/calculate that number.<br>'''Answer Submitted by:''' [[Team 42 Contributions | Team0x2Au]] <br><br>