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General File Structure

6 bytes added, 07:04, 27 September 2012
=== Good ===
TC_001_WEBVTTNoBOM- Webvtt file without optional BOM
TC_002_WEBVTTWithBom - Webvtt file with optional BOM
TC_003_WEBVTTHead - Webvtt file starts with peoper WEBVTT header
TC_004_WEBVTTSpace - Webvtt file can have a space after proper WEBVTT header
TC_005_WEBVTTTab - Webvtt file can have a tab after proper WEBVTT header
TC_007_WEBVTTSpaceText - Webvtt header may be followed by a space and text
TC_008_WEBVTTTabText - Webvtt header may be followed by a tab and text
=== Bad ===

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