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227 bytes added, 20:37, 13 December 2006
Other contributed project
== Other contributed project ==
*[[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows | Performance Testing]]
: I was the first two performance tester before Liz run the performance testing day.
: So I ran through the documentation thoroughly, to make sure it is understandable and I have documented all the detail in the discussion page linked to the performance testing
*[[Functional_Testing | Functional Testing]]
: I was involve in the Firefox Testday, at first I was only doing it during class. However, I feel the class time is not long enough to make a good contribution, so I went on to test the software for more hours. I stopped in the evening after I got very tired doing more testing.
: liz invited me to join the functional testing project and I will have more involvement on it in the future.
*[[Simple_Citation Simple | Cititation]]
: For the localization, do translation for chinese traditional(zh-TW) and chinese simplified(zh-CN)
*[[Mozilla_based_accessibility | Mozilla based accessibility]]
: For this project, I was assigned to search thru about 100 of jingles to find the best 3 for erin to pick and we decide which one to take together. And for the Chinese component, I find pages for her to test, but encountered some difficuit at the beginning and now is solved.
== Assignment 1 ==
[[Eva_Assignment_1| Assignment 1]]

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