→December 13, 2006
Wrapping things up:
* Original test case works correctly again ([http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/tests/Nutch_UnitTest.php output link] - takes awhile to finish). My last modification while working on bug #358112 included a strange edit to the SpecialNutch_class.php file which redefined the $language variable (I have no idea how/when I added that line) causing the search engine to break - thus, my failure to demo the actual search engine working from the test site during the presentation. This really stumped me for awhile because I'm not supposed to edit that file in the first place.
* My fix for #358112 is here: [http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/extensions/SpecialNutch.phps php.diff.txt SpecialNutch.php]diff file. What it does: When you access the [http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/index.php/Special:Nutch Nutch search form] directly, it should only show a field for you to enter your search term. Since we are using English, the output automatically sets the language to 'en' (English) and no longer displays the drop down box ([http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/index.php/Special:Nutch as seen on MDC currently]).
* Thanks to Erin's help, I managed to write a basic test case to test my code. However, it only tests the 'en' language - ([http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/tests/nutch_test.php demo] | [http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/tests/nutch_test.phps code]). The reason is because the code obtains the language from the URL that calls it ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']). After reading up on a lot of documention, the only way to test other languages was create install the wiki for every language and test the URL string - which isn't feasible.
* Since there is no direct way that I can test every language, I decided to write a unit test that tests the code I used SpecialNutch.php. This tests constructs a URL for every language, eg. for Korean, the URL will be http://developer.mozilla.org/ko/docs/Special:Nutch. Then the code (being tested) will extra out 'ko' as the language and tests to make sure that is correct ([http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/tests/Nutch_FormTest.php demo] | [http://melz.last-chance.net:2080/en/docs/tests/Nutch_FormTest.phps code]).