no edit summary
*preferences added, and search and better html tag stripping
*exams so not much time, but I've been fixing things and looking at bugzilla code to overcome final update hurdle will post new version soon.
*>>Break Through<< the buggy bar finally updated its first bug on landfill. finally fixed some bugs after working through some wrong information and finally getting the XmlRequest post methods to work. Will have new version up tonight or tomorrow but I've postponed studying for long enough so I'll have to do that first.
*Save functionality update with some extras
**added new bugaccess class which uses the XML format for bugspecs.
**Fast bugzilla instance switching from a drop down on buglist tab
**Will make old pure html parsing bugAccess class an option for older bugzilla versions. Save functionality works on bugzilla 2.20.3 and onwards but the mozilla instance is 2.20 so it has a bug but you can test it on the landfill instances, still waiting for my new account on the 2.18 instance to see if that one works. also fixed some things up in the back end, going to rip out the field handling soon and stick a nice object in there. Oh and the save feature shows the results in the main window I'll finish that up later.
*after some more research and some talk on the irc.mozilla.org channel #webtools I found out that the problem with the current(12/12/2006) instance of bugzilla is limited to that one subversion(2.20.0) and in 2 weeks bugzilla will be updated. This being the case I'm not planning on supporting the version currently, later I could but It seams like a small user group so its not a big deal now.*added better searching for the "steps to reproduce" and now if not found the output label changes to more understandable text*Buggy Bars first release!**features**view hot bug list**view individual bugs specs**customize field options**change bugs from "NEW" or "UNCONFIRMED" status to "CONFIRMED" or "ASSIGNED"**download [http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1.xpi here!] and try it out!
==Extension Progress==
**[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-9-3.bmp screen shot3]
*[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/inveigleEXT10.xpi 11/12/2006] -> screen shots coming for next release
*[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1.xpi 13/12/2006]
**[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1-01.PNG screen shot1]
**[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1-02.PNG screen shot2]
**[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1-03.PNG screen shot3]
13/12/2006 - [http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1.xpi Buggy Bar 0.1]
==To Do(striked out means complete)==