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1,102 bytes added, 16:00, 13 December 2006
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== Summary ==

This property controls the size of the right margin of an element's rendering box. Negative values are allowed. Margins are transparent and the background value of the parent element shines through.

Collapsing margins: adjoining horizontal margins between elements should not collapse.

== Syntax ==

h1 { margin-right: value; }

== Legal Values ==

* Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.

* This value specifies that a value determined by the browser be used for this property.

* Refers to either an absolute measurement or a relative measurement based on the current element's font size.

* Refers to a percentage of the width of the current element's containing block.

== Mozilla Recommended Values ==

== Usage Examples ==

Ext/Doc: h1 { margin-right: auto }
In-Line: <h1 STYLE="margin-right: auto">This is a test</h1>

== Notes ==

== Specification Conformance ==

== Browser Compatibility ==

* Internet Explorer - 3+
* Netscape - 4+
* Opera - 3.5+

== See Also ==

Navigation menu