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Silent coding works (scw) 20121 - oop344

201 bytes added, 23:25, 2 April 2012
silent coding works
= silent coding works =
* This group take its name seriously lol, real silent.
* Anyways, please test the trunk for all finished revisions so far (R0.3,4,- R0.7)all done.* it works fine with the improved version of CDialog (just need to edit my edit() ) Please volunteer yourself for the improved version (KWong67)next phase.
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: 45% (25 <= xx <= 50)
* repo id: oop344_121rep01
=== Trunk Status ===
(only record trunk here, tags and branches do not need to be recorded)
* committed/committing by
*: id: [ avtran3]
*: name: Anh Tran
*: irc nick: kiosk
*: Changes: Added working version of cbutton and cvaledit to the trunk. <br/> Added improved version of cdialog and clabel, please test them out
*: APR-01-2012 || 11:30 PM
*: name: kwok Wong
*: Changes: Added working version of cbutton (combine anh's edid() )
*: APR-02-2012 || 2:41 31 AM
*: id: [ kwong67avtran3]*: name: kwok WongAnh Tran*: irc nick: kiosk*: Changes: wrongly commited to tag Reversed commit by Kwok<br/>Added my fixed version of Kwok's ccheckmark<br/>Added empty constructor and thx anh copy assignment operator to fix it clabel, these are needed by R0.6+*: APR-02-2012 || 07:29 PM *: id: [ avtran3]*: name: Anh Tran*: irc nick: kiosk*: Changes: added copy constructor of CCheckmark (Copy constructor of CLabel) but doesnReversed changes to clabel, you don't need empty constructor and assignment operator after all.<br/>Changed ccheckmark to work (comment out) p.s. thx anh for reminding me only add workable programs in truck and reserve WIP in Brancheswith the current clabel*: APR-02-2012 || 508:49 44 PM
*: id: [ avtran3]*: name: kwok WongAnh Tran*: irc nick: kiosk*: Changes: 0.3-0.7 minus 0.6Added cmenuitem <br/>Slight simplified ccheckmark*: APR-02-2012 || 810:49 13 PM
== meetings ==
* latest will be on topOnly through email, real modern.
=== topic, date ===
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]

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