→Joystick/Gamepad Web API
== Joystick/Gamepad Web API ==
=== Short ===
The gamepad API gives web developers access to joysticks and gamepads on the client's computer using JavaScript in a web page. The Gamepad API is currently under development in Firefox and Chrome. This API is currently in W3C draft status.
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
* [https://wiki.mozilla.org/GamepadAPI Mozilla Wiki for Spec]
* [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=604039 Bugzilla ticket]
* [http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webevents/raw-file/default/gamepad.html W3C API draft]
=== Photos ===
== Pointer Lock (Mouse Lock) Web API ==
=== Short ===