→silent coding works
= silent coding works =
* This group take its name seriously lol, real silent.* Anyways, please test the trunk for all finished revisions so far (3,4,7).
== Project Marking Percentage ==
*: Changes: all changes needed for R0.3, need testing
*: MAR-26-2012 || 2:33 AM
*: id: [mailto:avtran3@learn.senecac.on.ca avtran3]
*: name: Anh Tran
*: irc nick: kiosk
*: Changes: Renamed all files to lower case to avoid matrix compile problem
*: APR-01-2012 || 11:23 PM
*: id: [mailto:avtran3@learn.senecac.on.ca avtran3]
*: name: Anh Tran
*: irc nick: kiosk
*: Changes: Added working version of cbutton and cvaledit to the trunk. Added improved version of cdialog and clabel, please test them out
*: APR-01-2012 || 11:30 PM
== meetings ==