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OPS335 Archiving Lab

192 bytes removed, 10:18, 1 April 2012
Automating System Backup
This lab will show you how to set up a Fedora installed system to be used for file backups.
{{Admon/important|Prerequistites:|Your hard drive should have Fedora 16, 64 bit Live edition already installed.<br />You should have at least one VM installed: also Fedora 16, 64 bit Live edition<br />Both your host and guest should have default firewalls enabled.<br />Both host and guest should have all software updated.<br />Ensure the clocks on both machines are set to the correct date and time.}}
*Your virtual system will be used to backup files from the host machine.
===Using rsync and cron to automate system backup===
*Login to vm01 as joker using your learnid and open a terminal window. Then "su -" to root run the following two commands:
mkdir /backup
rsync -avz 192.168.122x.1:/etc/ /backup/etc
*Still on vm01 run this command to verify rsync worked correctly:
ls /backup/etc

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