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[[Category:CDOT Profiles]]{{Admon/note|Profile Information|This page contains project profiles, intended for reuse in publications, press releases, and so forth. Please add to and update this page as needed.}}
For each project, please include:
* A short description (20 words)
* A long description (100-200 words)
* Link to relevant resources
* Photos, screenshots, or graphics (either as a link or an inclusion)
== Big Blue Button ==
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== C3DL ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== Fedora ARM ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== NexJ Express ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== Popcorn Maker ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== Popcorn.js ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== Processing.js ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===
== Web Audio API ==
=== Short ===
=== Long ===
=== Links ===
=== Photos ===