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OPS335 FTP Lab

17 bytes added, 09:44, 30 March 2012
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[[Category:OPS335]][[Category:OPS335 Labs]]
===Build your VM===
*Power up your PC (the gateway with host name f13), login as jokeryour learn-id, open a terminal window and "su -" to root.
*Setup a default Desktop firewall. You can do this from the System->Administration->Firewall menu by stopping the firewall and then selecting the Desktop option to make a new one.
*Once your Desktop firewall is set up you'll need to restart the libvirtd service. Use the command "systemctl restart libvirtd.service libvirtd restart".
*Check your firewall using the "iptables-save" command.
*Still as root you need to install an ftp client. Use this command: "yum install ftp".

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