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Mind = Blown ? 20121 - OOP344

440 bytes added, 12:00, 24 March 2012
Task Name
* status
* Task: CButton
* Being done by: Zakeria Hassan
* Status: Incomplete
* Task: CLineEdit
* Being done by: Syed Muhiuddin Ahmed
* Status: Incomplete
* Task: CCheckMark
* Being done by: Jayme Lasso-Barros
* Status: Incomplete
* Task: CMenuItem
* Being done by: Mohammad Raihan Batavia
* Status: Incomplete
* Task: CValEdit
* Being done by: Mohammad Raihan Batavia
* Everyone else in the group must help with this class
* Status: Incomplete
== Meetings ==
* Meeting in person with Fardad regarding Release 0.3 - March 22, 2012

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