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245 bytes added, 21:27, 21 March 2012
// made my Wiki more professional than what was there before which was rookie at best
| Computer Languages, Operating Systems (Windows, Linux Distros) and want to learn Mac Os X, Text Editors, IDE's, hoarding programming Booksbooks, Kindle Ebooks, PC Game when I'm bored and have timemaking Android Apps.
| '''Programming Languages I want to learn starting in 2012 - ????:Enjoy Using For Hobby and Professional'''| RubyC/C++, Java, PythonC#, learning D on the side even though its not very popular yet or may never be (Owned by [http://wwwwilling to take the risk) Digital Mars]), Objective|-C, Java (yes | '''Code I still havenlive By and believe in'''t learned this language yet, only | Time is more precious than all the riches in the world.| In regards to programming I believe time spent learning the craft far outweighs any riches to be had a taste of from it.)| Can't take money with you to your grave when you die, Bash, and awkbut perhaps you can leave something useful behind for the living that still have time.

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