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Bcfg2 Configuration

549 bytes added, 13:42, 16 March 2012
The Packages Plugin as implemented on the Armory Build farm has three prerequisites:
* A sources.xml file
* An architecture [[probe
* [[#Package Bundles|Package Bundles]]
The Group tags indicate which group this repository declaration is for. In order to use the repositories defined within this group, a client must be a member of said group.  The source tag has the declarations of type and rawurl. Type can be defined as apt, yum, or any other number of package management systems, but as the Armory is comprised of only fedora Fedora machines, we select "yum" and leave it at thatis selected. The "rawurl" attribute points to the URI of the the RPM files in a given repository. The Arch tag indicates a specific repository for an architecture. This tag is used in conjuction with "Magic Groups" in order to ensure client machines get packages specifically for their architecture. ====Magic Groups and Probes==== ====packages.conf====This file is normally not needed, but in the case of the Armory build farm, it's presence grant's an administrative advantage. As the Armory consists of machines of only one operating system, OS magic groups are not needed. The contents of this file are: <pre>[global]magic_groups=0</pre>

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