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1,631 bytes added, 18:26, 12 December 2006
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== Summary ==
'''-moz-user-modify''' is a Mozilla property extension to CSS that is used to determine whether or not an element may be modified, and, in certain circumstances, whether or not the content itself is viewable.
Possible uses include:
This property is similar to the [ user-modify] property of CSS3.
== Syntax ==
== Legal Values ==
<table border="1"><tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>inherit</td><td>Inherit the value from parent element.</td></tr><tr><td>read-only</td><td>Allow for viewing, selecting and copying the element contents.</td></tr><tr><td>read-write</td><td>Allow for viewing, selecting, copying and editing the element contents.</td></tr><tr><td>write-only</td><td>Allow for selecting and editing the element contents.</td></tr>== Mozilla Recommended Values ==</table>
== Usage Examples ==
<pre>asdf </pre>
<pre>asdf </pre>
<pre>asdf </pre>
== Notes ==
== Specification Conformance ==
Doesn't conform to CSS standards; [ A Mozilla CSS Extension].
== Browser Compatibility ==
Netscape 6+
<br>Mozilla 0.6+
<br>Firefox 1.0+
== See Also ==
== References ==
[ Mozilla Developer Centre - CSS Reference - Mozilla Extensions] (
<br>[ Netscape CSS Extensions] (
<br>[ User Interface for CSS3] (

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