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# In this investigation fedora1 will be your http server and fedora2 will be your client.
# On the HTTP server (fedora1), make sure the Apache web server is installed by typing the command:<br /><code>rpm -q httpd</code>
# <span style="background-color:yellow">If it is installed check the configuration of the service to see if it is automatically started at any runlevels by issuing the command:</span><br /><code><span style="background-color:yellow">systemctl list-units httpd</span></code>#<span style="background-color:yellow"> If it has not been started automatically start the service using the command:</span><br /><code><span style="background-color:yellow">systemctl status sshd.service</span></code>
# Confirm that httpd is listening to TCP/80 using the command:<br /><code>netstat -atnp</code>
# Create a small html document called <code>/var/www/html/index.html</code> that displays a short message.*