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Canvas3D JS Library

13 bytes added, 00:50, 9 March 2012
Ideas List
* Pong. Should be fairly easy, we just need to code the collision detection.
* multi-player network air hockey. Supports up to 8 players. Create an arena based on number of players . Each wall has a <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.ukppiclaimsppiclaimshandlers.orgcom/ <span style="color:black;font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none!important; background:none!important; text-decoration:none;">ppiclaims</span>] hole and a paddle that players can move left and right. A ball is randomly sent flying and each time it goes through a hole, the player loses a point. Lose 10 points and that player is eliminated. Last person alive wins.
* 2 Player Online Chess

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