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OPS235 Lab 6 - Fedora17

120 bytes added, 02:49, 27 February 2012
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= Configuring a Network Using Virtual Machines =
[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
* In this lab, you will learn the basics of networking by using your Virtual Machines and your host machine.
* In addition, you will learn an effective method of backing up file by creation date range.
== Objectives ==
# To examine some of the Linux's TCP/IP configuration files in the <code>/etc/</code> directory
# To configure a Fedora host with static network configuration without a GUI tool
# To use and interpret the <code>netstat</code> command to troubleshoot and monitor network services
# To configure the linux firewall <code>iptables</code> to allow/disallow/forward different types of network traffic using simple rules

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