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Mouse Lock API Test Tracker

670 bytes added, 15:19, 25 February 2012
Mochitests for new PointerLock API
| 2
| <b>test_withoutDOM.html</b>
| diogogmt
| New
| 2
| test_removedFromDOM.html</b>
| diogogmt
| New
| 3
| <s>file_nestedFullScreen.html</s><br /><b>test_nestedFullScreen.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Upated
| 6
| <s>file_doubleLockCallBack.html</s><br /><b>test_doubleLock.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br/>Updated
| 8
| <s>file_exitMouseLockOnLoseFocus.htm</s><br /><b>test_looseFocusWindow.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
| 11
| <s>file_movementXY.html</s><br /><b>test_movementXY.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
|Checks if mozMovementX and mozMovementY are present in the mouse event object. It also checks the values for mozMovementXY. They should be equal to the current screenXY minus the last screenXY
| 12
| <s>file_targetOutOfFocus.html</s><br /><b>test_targetOutOfFocus</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
| 15
| <s>file_cursorPosEvents.html</s><br /><b>test_suppressSomeMouseEvents</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
|Test will check to make sure that the following mouse events are no longer executed in pointer lock. - mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter, mouseleave
| 17
| <s>file_defaultUnlock.html</s><br /><b>test_escapeKey</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
|Escape key should unlock the pointer
| 18
| <s>file_userPref.html</s><br /><b>test_pointerLockPref.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
| 19
| <s>file_constantXY.html</s><br /><b> test_screenClientXYConst.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
|Confirm that screenX/Y and clientX/Y are constant when the pointer is locked.
| 20
| <s>file_pointerLockCSSDisplay.html</s><br /><b>test_cssDisplayProperty.html</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
|Pointer should not be locked to an element with css property display is set to none
| 21
| <s>file_retargetMouseEvents.html</s><br /><b>test_retargetMouseEvents</b>
| diogogmt
| Renamed<br />Updated
|Retarget mouse events to the locked element

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