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SVN for School Projects

1,490 bytes added, 12:30, 13 February 2012
Svn basic commands
=Svn basic commands=
A few important facts and terminology to help clarify the basic actions:
* A code repository is to keep track of all of the modifications done to a project by its team members.
*:In a project that is tracked by a code repository (version-controlled or in short versioned), you can focus on any changes during the project's development life; such as, who modified/added/deleted what and when. You can undo work or rollback the work to any stage of the development and much more.
* SVN is a client/server repository;
** Code is kept on a server and those members who have access can copy the whole or parts of the project to their local machines, work on the whole or parts and then apply their changes back to the server.
** Because the code is kept on a server, one member may be unaware of the changes made by another member, unless the other has applied the changes to the server and the member has update their local copy.
**: That is why timely and often communication between team members is highly vital for the success of the project. This can easily be accomplished through the project wiki page (team page) and IRC
* A code repository manages merging the modifications of different members' code. However this may fail and as a result the repository will sometimes be in a conflict state.
*: Conflicts can easily be edited, saved and resolved using the tools provided by SVN.
* A '''Version-controlled or versioned''' file is a file that is handled and tracked by a repository.

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