→Investigation 4: Managing Virtual Machines from the Command Line
== Investigation 4: Managing Virtual Machines from the Command Line ==
# Start the ''fedora1'' virtual machine, and stop the ''fedora2'' and ''fedora3'' virtual machines.
# Enter these commands and note the result:
#* <code>virsh list</code>
# Start the ''fedora3'' virtual machine from the command line: <code>virsh start fedora3</code>
# Repeat the commands from step 2 and notice any changes.
# Stop the ''fedora3'' virtual machine: <code>virsh shutdown fedora3</code> Note: If the Virtual machine fails to shutdown from the <code>virsh shutdown</code> command or from the <code>halt</code> or <code>poweroff</code> or <code>shutdown</code> commands within the VM, you can use dthe <code>virsh destroy ''name''</code> command. You should want to avoid a forced shutdown since those are that is equivalent to yanking the cord out of the wall on a physical machine!
# Confirm that ''fedora3'' has been shut down.
# Execute this command: <code>virsh dumpxml fedora3 >fedora3.xml</code>