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OPS235 Lab 2 Braille

370 bytes added, 14:19, 14 February 2012
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[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
{{Admon/caution|Braille Only|If you are not using a braille reader, please use [[OPS235 Lab 2]] instead of this lab.}}{{Admon/note|htp|Wherever this document says "htp", it should be changed to "http". This was done in order to avoid reported problems with some braille readers.}}
= OPS235 Lab 2 - Braille : Fedora 16 Installation on Virtual Machines =
# Start the virtualization service: <code>systemctl start libvirtd</code>
== Investigation 1: Installing from a Live Disc Network Install with Kickstart ==
=== VM Details ===
* '''Name:''' fedora1
* '''Boot Media and Installation source:''' Network server:* '''Kickstart file:'''
* '''Memory:''' 768MB
* '''Disk space:''' 10GB
# Record the current time.
# Run this command to start the installation of a virtual machine named fedora1: virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name fedora1 -r 768 --os-variant fedora16 --network network=default --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/f16-ks-1,size=10 -l httphtp:// -x ks=httphtp:// --noautoconsole
# The virtual machine will stop when the installation is complete. You can see if the virtual machine is running with the command: virsh list
# Record the approximate time that the installation ends. Subtract the start time to find out how long the installation took.
# Once the virtual machine has been installed, start it with this command: virsh start fedora1
# In order to connect to the virtual machine, you need to know:
#* The account name and password of a regular user.
#* The password for the root (administrator) user.
# To gather the information listed above, study the [ kickstart file]. Record your answers.
# Using the information you gathered from the kickstart file, connect to the virtual machine: ssh '''accountname''@'''IPaddress'' (substitute the correct account name and IP address)
# Enter the password when requested.
## Change the name of the disk file to match the name of the virtual machine.
## Use a disk size of 15G
## Use the IP address
# Start fedora2 and confirm that you can connect to it.
# The IP address on fedora1 and fedora2 are the same, which would cause a conflict if they were booted at the same time. Change the IP address of fedora2 to by editing the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
# Restart fedora2 and confirm that the IP address has changed to the correct value.
# Shut down fedora2.
== Investigation 3 ==
# Make a copy of the [ kickstart file]. Modify it so that the user account that is created has the same user ID as your matrix account. Change the IP address in the kickstart file to Place this the modified kickstart file in a location where it can be accessed via a web browser (for example, in the public_html directory in your Matrix account).
# Modify the command used in Investigation 1 to incorporate these changes:
## Use the name "fedora3" for this virtual machine.
## Change the name of the disk file to match the name of the virtual machine.
## Use a disk size of 12G.
## Use the IP address
## Use your kickstart file instead of the original one.
# Start fedora3 and confirm that you can connect to it, using your Matrix ID and password.
== Investigation 4: Managing Virtual Machines from the Command Line ==
{{Admon/note|Manage virtual machines from the host|Note: The commands used to manage virtual machines must be executed on the host (your disk pack) and not inside a virtual machine.}}Use the host name information in the command prompt to confirm that you are on the correct machine when entering commands.
# Start the ''fedora1'' virtual machine, and stop the ''fedora2'' and ''fedora3'' virtual machines.
# Enter these commands and note the result:
#* <code>virsh list</code>
# Start the ''fedora3'' virtual machine from the command line: <code>virsh start fedora3</code>
# Repeat the commands from step 2 and notice any changes.
# Stop the ''fedora3'' virtual machine: <code>virsh shutdown fedora3</code> Note: If the Virtual machine fails to shutdown from the <code>virsh shutdown</code> command or from the <code>halt</code> or <code>poweroff</code> or <code>shutdown</code> commands within the VM, you can use dthe <code>virsh destroy ''name''</code> command. You should want to avoid a forced shutdown since those are that is equivalent to yanking the cord out of the wall on a physical machine!
# Confirm that ''fedora3'' has been shut down.
# Execute this command: <code>virsh dumpxml fedora3 >fedora3.xml</code>
== Investigation 6: Kickstart Files ==
{{Admon/tip|SSHD and Firewall|If you have restarted your virtual machine ''fedora1'', the sshd server you started in section 1-16 will no longer be running. In addition, the firewall will have reverted to its original state. In order to use ''scp'', below, you will need to restart ssh and adjust the firewall again.}}
When you perform a non-Kickstart installation, the installation program creates a Kickstart file in the <code>/root</code> directory for reference.

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