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GAM670/DPS905 Weekly Schedule 20121

335 bytes added, 14:40, 31 January 2012
This Week
*:: index list -> index buffer
*:: attribute list -> subset to which primitives belong
*:: pyramid sample
*: Stock Objects
*:: Sphere
*::: slices and partitions
*:: Cylinder
*:: Torus
*:: Utah Teapot
*:: APIGraphic.h and .cpp code
*: Custom Mesh
*:: Create a Mesh
*:: FVF settings
*:: DrawSubset
*:: FVF settings: DrawIndexedPrimitive parameters*:: APIGraphic.h code
*: X File
*:: Create Mesh from File
* SkyBox
*: definition of a skybox
*: other : attachment to camera*:: inverted coordinates*: skybox textures*: Graphic.cpp code*: more complicated forms - skydome
* Billboards
*: definition, purpose of a billboard
*::: normal is fixed (difference between viewpoint position and camera heading)
*::: up is open to change
*: Object.h and Object.cpp code
* Texture Filtering
*: mip maps
*:: multum in parvo
*:: texture creation
*:: APITexture::SetSamplerState()
* DirectX Errors
*: DirectX Utilities - Lookup Tool
*: APIDisplay::restore() example
=== To Do ===

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