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OPS235 Lab 3 - Fedora17

1,110 bytes added, 19:47, 24 January 2012
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=== Check LVM Information for all Fedora 16 Installs ===
'''LVM''' ('''Logical Volume Management''') is used to manage hard disk drives / partitions for Unix/Linux systems. LVM provides more flexibility than just working with hard disks / hard disk partitions. '''Volume Groups''' are areas used to define '''Physical Volumes''' (i.e. hard disks, disk partitions, or other forms of storage devices). '''Logical Volumes''' are then used to represent specific portions of a file-system (directories) for that physical volume, or for a "range" or "span" of physical volumes.
Thus, LVM allows more flexibility and growth potential for Linux systems - for example, having Logical volumes span multiple hard disks. Fedora uses LVM by default upon installation. Other Linux distributions may provide the capacity to install LVM, or later install and use Logical Volume Management.
It is important for students to gain an understanding of LVM, and how to manage their file-systems using LVM. It is recommended for students to read the following resource prior to this lab and/or return to the following resource while performing this lab: [[Logical Volume Management]]
At this point, having completed [[OPS235 Lab 3|Lab 3]] you should have <u>roughly</u> the following disk storage setup:<br />

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