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3 bytes added, 22:43, 9 December 2006
no edit summary
* Hosted several functional testing events
** Test Days, [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#In_class_Firefox_Performance_Testing|Firefox Performance Testing]] etc.
<b>[[Calendar_stuff | Calendar Stuff]]</b>
** It built successfully on my comp with the the files required (.mozconfig, build files etc.) but the same files didn't build for [[User:eor | Eva Or]]. According to her, Clint found out that it was a debugging problem.
** Looked into the old itip files, wanted to help [[User:Eor | Eva Or]] with it but due to time constraints, this is impossible (Not really a contribution)
<b>Fixed [|Fixed MDC Windows Build Prerequisites documentation]</b>
*[[Liz_Chak_Assignment_1#Problem:_.22target_.60c.27_doesn.27t_match_the_target_pattern.22_error| The problem when building Firefox in Assignment 1]]
<b>Created this [[New_Main_Page | template]] which is a cleaner look for the main page</b>

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