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Download and Burn at Home

336 bytes added, 10:49, 14 January 2012
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::'''Main Fedora Repository:'''<br />(Accessible from any Internet connection.)<br /><br />
:: '''Note:''' Image files have the extension: '''.iso'''
|[[Image:tel_oenlab.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The '''TEL OPEN LAB<br />(Rm. T2113)''' is one of the few areas at Seneca that allows the student to burn CD/DVDs without having to boot from a removable drive.]]
|[[Image:workstation.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Follow the instructions below to download and burn your Fedora 16 DVD and LIVE CD. ]]
{{Admon/important|Take time to verify that you have downloaded a DVD image as opposed to a CD LIVE image by mistake...|}}

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