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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

734 bytes added, 14:50, 11 January 2012
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<li value="5">When the Fedora16 Installation DVD boots, it will prompt the user to test the media (i.e. DVD) for integrity. Since time is limited for installation in the lab, select '''SKIP'''. On the other hand, if the install did not work, then you can test out the integrity of the DVD in the computer lab during your spare time.</li>
<li>Select the default language ('''English''') in the next install screen, and click '''Next'''.</li>
<li>Select the default keyboard layout and Basic Storage Devices in the following installation screens.</li>\
{{Admon/important|Previous Contents of Hard Drive will be Erased|If are using an existing removable Hard Disk from a previous course, you must allow the Installation DVD to "wipe" all previous contents prior to proceeding with this lab (no exceptions).
Failure to erase existing contents can cause problems in subsequent labs such as running out of hard disk space...|
<li value="8">When prompted, make certain to select "Fresh Install" in order to erase any previous contents of the hard disk.</li>