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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

28 bytes added, 11:41, 8 January 2012
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First, you are going to first create a number of hard disk partitions/physical volumes for this installation: '''/dev/sda1 (300M)''', '''/dev/sda2 extended partition''', '''/dev/sda5 (300M)'''. Then during your Fedora installation you will use the '''/dev/sda1''' partition for booting your computer.
During your Fedora installation, you will also be using '''LVM ''' (Logical Volume Management) to create '''physical volumes ''' (containers) called '''/dev/sda6''', '''/dev/sda7''', '''/dev/sda8''', and '''/dev/sda9'''. This storage will be split into various '''Logical Volumes ''' (mount points or "main directories"). This installation approach will allow the user to perform other Fedora installation methods using ''"Virtual Machines" '' in future labs.
After the installation, you will collect baseline information about your Fedora GNU/Linux system, do some post installation configuration to prepare your system for the remainder of the labs, manipulate the '''GRUB ''' configuration, and start using the system.

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