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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

43 bytes added, 11:25, 8 January 2012
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In this lab, you are going to install the Fedora (GNU/Linux Distribution) to your hard disk from DVD.
You need are going to first create a number of hard disk partitions/physical volumes for this installation: '''/dev/sda1 (300M)''', '''/dev/sda2 extended partition''', '''/dev/sda5 (300M)'''. Then during your Fedora installation you will use these created partitions, all created in Lab 1. '''You but you will create 4 new physical volumes during this lab'''.also be creating
After the installation, you will collect baseline information about your Fedora GNU/Linux system, do some post installation configuration to prepare your system for the remainder of the labs, manipulate the GRUB configuration, and start using the system.

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