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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

714 bytes removed, 10:44, 8 January 2012
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* Use the '''p''' option the display the new partition and record it in your log book.
* Remember to use the '''w''' option to write the new partitions information instead of the '''q''' option to quit without saving.
* Enter the command fdisk /dev/sda again, and view the partition table to confirm that the partitions were properly created.
* Exit the fdisk prompt.
* Logout and restart Fedora.
Answer the Investigation 1 question in your lab log book.
===Investigation 2 - How do you create and access a Linux filesystem on a hard disk partition?=== # After rebooting Fedora, open up a Terminal Window and enter the command <code>fdisk -l /dev/sda</code> to display the hard disk partition table. Verify that you have partitioned your hard disk correctly.# Create a Linux 3rd extended filesystem (ext3) on the 300MB primary partition /dev/sda1# Create the empty directory <code>/mnt/harddisk</code> to serve as a mount point for the partition.# Use the command <code>mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/harddisk</code> to attach the file system you just created to the Fedora Live Linux file system tree.# Copy the files <code>/etc/passwd</code> and <code>/var/log/messages</code> to the mounted partition. Can you do this with a single command?# Unmount the partition. Answer the Investigation 2 question in your lab log book.  ===Investigation 3: How do you install Fedora?===
{{Admon/important | Logical Volume Management | Fedora uses a type of storage management called Logical Volume Management (LVM). In LVM, disk partitions are called Physical Volumes (PVs) and provide storage to a Volume Group (VG). This storage is then split into various Logical Volumes (LVs). The advantage to this scheme is that you can change LV size and you can add and remove PVs after installation. For example, you can add a new disk to your system and then increase the size of your existing filesystems using that extra disk space. ''Please be careful to enter all LVM information accurately, including the VG and LV names.'' We will investigate and manipulate LVM in future labs.}}
#* Finish the post-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and then login to your Learn account.
Answer the Investigation 3 2 questions in your lab log book.
{{Admon/tip|Forcing the Resolution on the Projector|The podium computers in the lab rooms are connected to a video splitter. This splitter then connects to both the LCD screen on the podium and the projector at the front of the room. However, the splitter prevents the computer from successfully querying the LCD or screen to find the supported resolutions, and Fedora therefore selects a very low (safe) resolution. If you are using a podium system, you can force the native 1680x1050 resolution of the LCD display using [ this script].}}
===Investigation 43: How many files packages and files are installed on the system?===
For the rest of the tasks in this lab, you must login to your system using your Learn account and execute all commands under your learn account. If you get a Permission Denied message when trying to execute a command, then switch to the superuser account by running the command su - and type in the password for "root". Once the intended command is executed, type "exit" to exit from the superuser account and return to your regular Learn account.
{{Admon/tip |Updating Fedora|The Fedora 16 software is updated frequently to add features, fix bugs, and upgrade security. Perform a system update to get the latest versions of the packages installed in Fedora: Start the Firefox web browser, turn off popup window blocking (select ''Edit>Preferences'', then select the Content tab and uncheck the box to Block Popups), then login to SeneNET. Open a terminal and type <code>su</code> to start a shell as root. Enter the command <code>yum update</code> This will download and install all of the packages that have been updated since the installation DVD image was created. If you complete this command at Seneca it should run quite fast as Seneca College hosts a Fedora Repository mirror (a copy of all of the current fedora packages, on a local web server).}}
=== Investigation 54: What is a runlevel? ===
After the kernel boots, it starts a single program, called <code>init</code>. A running instance of a program is called a '''process''' -- the init process always has a process ID (PID) of 1. All other processes on the system are started by init, or they are started by processes started by init.
Answer the Investigation 5 4 questions in your lab log book.
=== Investigation 65: What is the network configuration? ===
# To check the network configuration settings obtained from the DHCP server, run the following commands, describing the output in your log book:
#* The DNS nameserver
Answer the Investigation 6 5 questions in your lab log book.
=== Investigation 76: How do You Secure the Grub Boot Loader? ===
{{Admon/caution|Duplicate UUIDs|Before proceeding, use the <code>mount</code> command to check to see which filesystem is mounted on the mount point <code>/boot</code>. If it is <code>/dev/sda5</code>, it is the wrong filesystem. This may be caused by a duplication of serial numbers which is the result of Lab 1; you can fix this problem with this series of commands:
Arrange evidence for each of these items on your screen, then ask your instructor to review them and sign off on the lab's completion:
* Issue command fdisk /dev/sda, and use '''p''' command to display partitions
* Grub is password protected.
* Can login with your "learn" account name