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OPS335 Archiving Lab

9 bytes added, 14:28, 20 November 2011
Using rsync and cron to automate system backup
scp /root/.ssh/
*Now verify that your new authentication method is working. Still on vm01 try to ssh to f13 as root. You should be able to login without entering a password. If you were successful then move on to the next step, otherwise repeat steps 3 and 4.
*Install mailx on vm01 if it's not already installed.*Now, still as root on vm01, use the command 'crontab -e' to edit root's cron table. Insert the following line: 15 5 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -avz /backup/etc *At 15 minutes past the hour rsync should synchronize the /etc/ directory of f13 to the /backup/etc/ directory on vm01. If this time has passed and you don't want to wait an hour for the next time rsync runs, just edit root's cron table on vm01 and enter another time for the backup to take place.*You should convince yourself that /etc/ is being backed up by adding some file (say 'touch /etc/junk' on f13) to /etc and then see if it was indeed copied to vm01.*After the cron job runs, root on vm01 should have received an email containing the output of the cron job. Verify this by using the mail command to check root's mail on vm01.*Finally, edit root's cron table on vm01 and add another record to backup the /home directory of f13 to /backup on vm01 once each week at 2am on Saturday.PART C: ===Using syslog to route log files to a remote host:===*On your host machine (f13) edit /etc/rsyslog.conf and make the following change:change #*.* @@remote-host:514*to *.**where xxx is the IP of vm01 (your logging machine)
*Now restart your rsyslog service (service rsyslog restart).*Go back on to vm01 and edit /etc/rsyslog.conf and make the following change:
change these two lines
#$ModLoad #$InputTCPServerRun 514*to $ModLoad $InputTCPServerRun 514*Still on vm01, restart syslog. NOTE: At this point you should use iptables to open up tcp port 514 on vm01.*Now go back onto f13 and use the logger command to verify logging messages are getting through to vm01. Try this command
logger -p user.warn "Hello World"
*Use the command "tail /var/log/messages" on vm01 to view the results of the previous step.PART D: ===Answer the following questions and and email them to your teacher in ASCII text format.===
#What is your full name and 9-digit Seneca student ID?#Show the RSA public key generated on vm01. i.e. the file called the meaning of the -avz options on the rsync command.#What did root's cron table on vm01 look like after step 11 of PART B?#What were the last two lines of the email sent to root upon completion of the cron job in PART B step 10?#What was shown in PART C step 6?#What is the output of the iptables-save command on vm01 at the end of this lab?

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