→Week 6 - Oct 9: moved jesse's work down so there is no confusion as to what he modified
* [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn-book.html#svn.branchmerge.commonpatterns.feature Feature Branching] ([[Learning how to branch and merge exercise - OOP344 20113|Exercise]])
* Write a FIFO Queue, with Add Remove and IsEmpty methods
=== Resources ===
*http://heonyee.blogspot.com*http://paslu.wordpress.com*[http://nateshmayuranathan.blogspot.com/2011/10/implementing-queue.html Implementing a Queue] by [[User:nmayuranathan|Natesh]]**:[http://wp.me/p1PNng-P Implementing a Queue -- Improved] by [[User:cfbale|Clinton]]*[http://minwookkim.blogspot.com/ My Queue Class] by[[User:Mwkim2|Mike Kim]]**:[http://jessesantos.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/improving-a-queue/ Improving a queue] by [[User:jsantos13|Jesse]]
== Week 7 - Oct 16 ==