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IRC Logs 20113 - OOP344

16,365 bytes removed, 21:56, 9 November 2011
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== Meetings ==
=== Deciding which Console 2.0 will be used [[RSS_oop344- 20113_IRClog_oct12 | October 12, 2011 === {{hidden | style = border:1px dashed red; width: 50%; | headerstyle = background: #ccccff; font-size: 110%; | contentstyle = text-align: center; color:green; | header = Title text here | content =Session Start: Wed Oct 12 19:26:24 2011Session Ident: #oop-rss�03[19:26] * Now talking in #oop-rss�03[19:26] * sets mode: +ns�03[19:28] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss�03[19:28] * robertoisaula ( has joined #oop-rss[19:28] <NULLbyte_> kk am in..[19:28] <robertoisaula> ok me Deciding which Console 2[19:29] <robertoisaula> how did u create the channel?�01[19:30] <@mdafidchao> you can just /join any channel name and if it doesn't exist it will be created[19:32] <NULLbyte_> kk Santiago should be in any min�03[19:32] * Kain-18 ( has joined #oop-rss[19:32] <NULLbyte_> yup he is in[19:32] <Kain-18> �04sup guys[19:32] <NULLbyte_> k so one left...[19:32] <NULLbyte_> should we just start??[19:33] <Kain-18> �04yea[19:33] <robertoisaula> idk is the other guy coming has anyone talked to him?[19:33] <NULLbyte_> I tried but no answer..�01[19:33] <@mdafidchao> he hasn't responded to my e-mail either[19:33] <robertoisaula> kk lets start then[19:34] <NULLbyte_> ight lets do this!!!�01[19:34] <@mdafidchao> alright so i looked at ivan's and his edit crashes[19:34] <Kain-18> �04alright[19:34] <NULLbyte_> then his is no good[19:34] <Kain-18> �04ivan is out[19:35] <Kain-18> �04i mean ivan's edit[19:35] <Kain-18> �04what about michaels?�03[19:36] * NULLbyte (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss�01[19:36] <@mdafidchao> i tested mine as best I could, didn't see any crashes so far[19:36] <robertoisaula> yeah I tested mine as well, so far so good[19:36] <NULLbyte> yea but what about bugss man[19:36] <Kain-18> �04what bugs?[19:37] <robertoisaula> i've tried my best to find bugs but i havent yet[19:37] <Kain-18> �04neither have i[19:37] <NULLbyte> all I want is the backspace from my code.. no bugs ![19:37] <Kain-18> �04ok�01[19:38] <@mdafidchao> i can't see roberto's repository[19:39] <robertoisaula> oh yeah i havent done my repository yet[19:39] <robertoisaula> let me do that right now[19:39] <Kain-18> �04lol�02[19:40] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)�03[19:40] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss[19:40] <Kain-18> �04michales edit( ) i see it the same as what the teacher gave us[19:41] <Kain-18> �04ohhh nvm�02[19:42] * NULLbyte (~IceChat77@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)�02[19:45] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)�03[19:45] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss�01[19:46] <@mdafidchao> hm when I enter insert mode in sezar's edit doesn't let me add characters at the end[19:46] <NULLbyte_> yea mine is not goo[19:46] <NULLbyte_> good*[19:46] <NULLbyte_> but try the backspace�01[19:48] <@mdafidchao> it works[19:48] <Kain-18> �04lol, we get it, ur backspace works�01[19:48] <@mdafidchao> so does mine�03[19:49] * NULLbyte (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss[19:49] <Kain-18> �04i tried michaels and its pretty nice, didnt find bugs, although its alot of code[19:49] <NULLbyte> kk I keep disconnecting so I can't see what you type[19:50] <NULLbyte> tell me a good Irc.[19:50] <robertoisaula> yo im lost with this branch and tag shit�01[19:51] <@mdafidchao> branching is making a copy, our branch directories are our personal workspace stuff�01[19:51] <@mdafidchao> tagging is making an archive�02[19:51] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)�03[19:51] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss[19:52] <robertoisaula> ok so how do I create like my personal folder in the branch directory?�01[19:52] <@mdafidchao> so for example our first release 0 will be 0.1, when that is sent to the trunk then we can archive (branch) that into tags�01[19:52] <@mdafidchao> right click -> create folder[19:52] <robertoisaula> ok so i create the folder in branch�01[19:53] <@mdafidchao> yeah[19:53] <robertoisaula> done already[19:53] <robertoisaula> then whats next to copy the trunk into my folder in branch�01[19:53] <@mdafidchao> i tried salopez's code with a char string that has a NULL char in the middle of it, when i add text to the end the chars after the null char were revealed�01[19:54] <@mdafidchao> no commit your console2.0 and a working build of 0.1 with your 2 functions�01[19:54] <@mdafidchao> like what we all have in our repositories�01[19:54] <@mdafidchao> fardad updated console.cpp so you might want to get his build first and then add your functions in�02[19:54] * NULLbyte (~IceChat77@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)[19:56] <robertoisaula> ok ok im goin to do it right now�02[19:56] * NULLbyte_ (~IceChat77@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)�01[19:57] <@mdafidchao> anyway, where are we so far, sezar's insert mode doesn't let me add characters at the end, salopez has a problem with null chars in the middle of a string (don't know if this is acutlaly an issue but I KNOW fardad used a string like this in class), ivan's crashes because he forgot to allocate +1 byte�01[19:57] <@mdafidchao> all edit btw, I'm sure everyone's display is fine[19:59] <Kain-18> �04ok then we can use your edit func then�01[20:00] <@mdafidchao> no one found ayhthing wrong with mine?[20:00] <robertoisaula> mine is up already[20:00] <robertoisaula> try it[20:01] <Kain-18> �04i/ve been trying to but it seems it all works fine with your edit[20:02] <KainRSS_oop344-18> �04by the way20113_IRClog_nov9 | November 9, i didnt get what was the problem with my edit.�01[20:03] <@mdafidchao> i tested your edit with a string that had a null byte in the middle of the string�01[20:03] <@mdafidchao> ex: ABCDEF\0GHIJ�01[20:03] <@mdafidchao> it displays ABCDEF fine, but when I go to add characters to the end, GHIJ gets revealed[20:03] <Kain-18> �04ohhhhhhh�01[20:03] <@mdafidchao> i don't even know if that's an issue but I know that Fardad did something like this in class�03[20:04] * NULLbyte (~IceChat77@ has joined #oop-rss�01[20:05] <@mdafidchao> roberto's cursor exits fieldLen when I add characters at the very end[20:05] <Kain-18> �04lol[20:05] <NULLbyte> holly F*** I hope it doesnt disconnect!![20:05] <NULLbyte> kk so whats happening[20:05] <NULLbyte> ??�01[20:06] <@mdafidchao> so far I've found at least 1 issue with everyone's edit, no one has found anything wrong with mine�01[20:06] <@mdafidchao> except that it looks like a lot of code and may be inefficient�03[20:06] * Retrieving #oop-rss modes...[20:07] <NULLbyte> lol then take some code from each one ..[20:07] <Kain-18> �04why?�01[20:07] <@mdafidchao> also I'm trying to call your edit functions with invalid values (bad offset, cursor pos, etc) and I don't think these cases are being covered[20:08] <NULLbyte> who's edit?[20:08] <Kain-18> �04i believe all of ours[20:09] <NULLbyte> y don't we take some code form each one just to make it look nicer but with out effecting Michaels code..[20:10] <NULLbyte> just some code where u r sure it has no bugs�01[20:10] <@mdafidchao> one person's code had like 4 ifs[20:11] <NULLbyte> who? so what ??...�01[20:13] <@mdafidchao> it's inefficient i think[20:13] <robertoisaula> I think we should grab the best edit[20:14] <robertoisaula> the one that has no bugs or whatsover[20:14] <robertoisaula> and just use that one[20:14] <NULLbyte> yea[20:15] <Kain-18> �04fine with me�01[20:15] <@mdafidchao> sure, makes things easier i guess[20:16] <Kain-18> �04alright, so its michaels edit. what about display??[20:16] <NULLbyte> should we add the my two keys ? since he mi give us more marks ... but then they do have bugs..[20:16] <Kain-18> �04shoulndt we look for bugs too[20:16] <NULLbyte> yea[20:17] <NULLbyte> but display sould be fine is the edit is .. right?�01[20:17] <@mdafidchao> hm what to test for display�01[20:17] <@mdafidchao> we all tested for display to not print anything if you had it print outside the console area right[20:18] <NULLbyte> yup�01[20:18] <@mdafidchao> uhoh I see some hardcoded numbers[20:19] <Kain-18> �04no!�01[20:19] <@mdafidchao> someone used 80 instead of getCols�01[20:19] <@mdafidchao> hehe[20:19] <NULLbyte> lol[20:20] <Kain-18> �04the string should go to the next line if it overcomes the screen[20:20] <NULLbyte> it me and kain-18[20:20] <NULLbyte> lol[20:20] <Kain-18> �04lol�01[20:21] <@mdafidchao> huh I was told to ignore wrapping[20:21] <Kain-18> �04what? the hardcoded numbers?[20:21] <Kain-18> �04really?[20:21] <Kain-18> �04i was never told[20:21] <NULLbyte> yea man remmeber..[20:21] <Kain-18> �04nop[20:21] <Kain-18> �04but ok[20:22] <NULLbyte> wait r u talkin about the wrapping?[20:22] <Kain-18> �04yea[20:22] <NULLbyte> oh no yea i had no idea ..�01[20:22] <@mdafidchao> I thought someone asked about wrapping in class and fardad said ignore it[20:23] <Kain-18> �04ohh, might be cause its different sections, and he didnt say anything to us[20:23] <NULLbyte> well doest really matter..[20:23] <Kain-18> �04so it doesnt matter[20:25] <robertoisaula> guys give me 2 minutes ill reconnect�02[20:25] * robertoisaula ( Quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- *I* use it, so it must be good!�)�02[20:25] * Kain-18 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)�04[20:25] <NULLbyte> yo mdafidchao can you look at the keys I added and see the problem ... me and kain-18 coudn't!!�01[20:25] <@mdafidchao> what were you trying to do�01[20:26] <@mdafidchao> CTRL + F and CTRL + U?[20:26] <NULLbyte> one key deletes everything before the curPosition (CTRLU)and one key deletes everything after the curPosition(CTRLF)�03[20:27] * Kain-18 ( has joined #oop-rss[20:27] <NULLbyte> yup.[20:27] <Kain-18> alright. so where were we?[20:28] <NULLbyte> i just asked hi to see i he can fix the problem (the two keys...)[20:28] <NULLbyte> the ones we couldn't fix..�01[20:28] <@mdafidchao> hold on a sec lets figure out whos display to use[20:28] <NULLbyte> i tought i was urs!!�01[20:28] <@mdafidchao> so there's 2 who used hardcoded values that are out[20:28] <NULLbyte> thought**�01[20:28] <@mdafidchao> my edit�01[20:29] <@mdafidchao> that leaves roberto ivan and myself[20:29] <Kain-18> for what? display?�01[20:29] <@mdafidchao> yeah�03[20:29] * robertoisaula ( has joined #oop-rss[20:29] <robertoisaula> kk im back[20:29] <NULLbyte> yo just use urs[20:31] <NULLbyte> y not use urs and get it over with??�01[20:31] <@mdafidchao> =/ don't think that's fair�01[20:31] <@mdafidchao> unless everyone agrees[20:31] <NULLbyte> does everyone agree??!!!�01[20:32] <@mdafidchao> after looking at all of them, i don't like robertos cause of readability + i don't think it was necessary to create vars to store getCols/getRows�01[20:32] <@mdafidchao> ivans is pretty clean from what i see[20:33] <NULLbyte> let me see it..�01[20:33] <@mdafidchao> although I don't think it compiles in borland[20:33] <NULLbyte> y not?�01[20:34] <@mdafidchao> 'cause I had to add the scope to strlen to get it to compile and I see ivan didn't do that�01[20:35] <@mdafidchao> did anyone else run into that issue when compiling in borland[20:35] <NULLbyte> i had that issue in matrix..�01[20:36] <@mdafidchao> oh well it's either bordland or matrix[20:37] <NULLbyte> kk so if u wanna c if his runs on borlan and then use his display do it but if u dont i agree to use urs[20:38] <NULLbyte> i like urs.. easy to read..[20:39] <Kain-18> yea its pretty good[20:41] <robertoisaula> yeah i think so 2�01[20:41] <@mdafidchao> hm ivan compiles on matrix on borland�01[20:41] <@mdafidchao> but i guess we're using mine if it looks better[20:42] <NULLbyte> kk then thats done[20:42] <Kain-18> lol[20:42] <Kain-18> but yea�01[20:42] <@mdafidchao> cool�01[20:42] <@mdafidchao> i guess i'll branch it to trunk and tag it[20:42] <Kain-18> sounds good[20:42] <NULLbyte> wait[20:43] <NULLbyte> what about the keys[20:43] <NULLbyte> LOL[20:43] <Kain-18> ohh[20:43] <Kain-18> well they are not ready[20:43] <NULLbyte> yea i know[20:43] <Kain-18> I remember we tried to fix them and couldnt[20:44] <NULLbyte> kk so I asked him to see if he can..[20:44] <Kain-18> r u talking about pgUp and Dw?[20:44] <Kain-18> ok�01[20:44] <@mdafidchao> gimme a sec[20:44] <NULLbyte> yea but now they are CNTRL f and CNTRL u[20:44] <NULLbyte> ight[20:45] <Kain-18> >he's gonna take alot more than a sec lol[20:45] <NULLbyte> if not then whatever I wanted us to get extra marks..[20:45] <NULLbyte> lol hopefully not[20:46] <Kain-18> to fix it?? defenitely![20:46] <NULLbyte> lol they weren't that bad!![20:48] <Kain-18> yea but its hard to know what the prob is[20:48] <Kain-18> we didnt find it[20:48] <NULLbyte> I guess�01[20:49] <@mdafidchao> what am I trying to fix[20:49] <NULLbyte> ohh[20:49] <NULLbyte> mmm[20:49] <Kain-18> try using ctrl f and ctrl u and insert some data and u'll see[20:50] <NULLbyte> yea be at the end of fieldlen[20:50] <Kain-18> not nessesary is it??[20:51] <Kain-18> didnt we get the rest of the chars anywhere?�01[20:51] <@mdafidchao> ctrl f at the end of fieldlen deletes everything before the cursor, leaving only the character under the cursor�01[20:51] <@mdafidchao> ctrl u just beeps�01[20:51] <@mdafidchao> when used at the end of fieldlen[20:51] <Kain-18> hahaha�01[20:51] <@mdafidchao> so it looks like its working as intended[20:51] <robertoisaula> guys how can we change font or whatever here, im having hard time reading i dont know who is saying what[20:52] <Kain2011 -18> hahahaha[20:52] <Kain-18> i dont know man�01[20:52] <@mdafidchao> no idea[20:52] <NULLbyte> nah no way man !! maybe it was my editR0...[20:52] <Kain-18> roberto try using the magnifier lol[20:53] <NULLbyte> LOL[20:53] <NULLbyte> yo r u sure they r fine?[20:53] <robertoisaula> LOL shut up[20:533 tasks discussion] <robertoisaula> this sucks[20:55] <Kain-18> wait[20:55] <Kain-18> if you put neg nums for stroffset on michaels edit, it gives you random chars[20:56] <NULLbyte> oh shit[20:56] <NULLbyte> try ivan's�01[21:00] <@mdafidchao> hm it didn't say to cover negative numbers in the thingy[21:00] <Kain-18> I think u were talking about it before no? putting stroffset and curpso with garbage values�01[21:01] <@mdafidchao> not including negative numbers[21:01] <NULLbyte> does Ivan's do thatas well[21:01] <NULLbyte> ?�01[21:01] <@mdafidchao> numbers that go past the end of the string[21:01] <Kain-18> ohhh�01[21:01] <@mdafidchao> as mentioned in[21:02] <NULLbyte> kk then w/e[21:03] <Kain-18> ok well, I need to go. I dont think there is anything we should decide if we are using michels edit and display[21:03] <Kain-18> right?[21:03] <NULLbyte> and the keys[21:03] <NULLbyte> lol[21:03] <Kain-18> ohh yea[21:03] <NULLbyte> yea man we r pretty much done..[21:04] <Kain-18> well, im ok with what you guys decide. I need to go[21:04] <robertoisaula> no problem[21:04] <robertoisaula> i think the same[21:04] <NULLbyte> ight�01[21:04] <@mdafidchao> cool[21:04] <Kain-18> see ya�02[21:04] * Kain-18 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)[21:04] <robertoisaula> i tried urs and it works fine[21:04] <robertoisaula> so just branch it[21:04] <NULLbyte> Michae;'s right[21:06] <NULLbyte> kk yea just branch it with or with out the keys�01[21:06] <@mdafidchao> alright[21:07] <robertoisaula> later guys�02[21:07] * robertoisaula ( Quit (Quit: I love my HydraIRC -> <-�)[21:11] <NULLbyte> r u done??�01[21:12] <@mdafidchao> tag and trunk are done[21:12] <NULLbyte> so thats it?}}

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