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OPS335 NFS Lab

No change in size, 16:17, 5 September 2011
NFS and Automount
Before you begin make sure your Fedora 13 host machine software is up to date (yum update).<br />
NOTE 2: After you build your VM, ensure its updated as well (yum update).<br />NOTE 3: Ensure both host and VM have default Desktop firewalls set up.}}
===Setting up the Guest VM===
 #Login to the host as joker and use virt-manager to set up one guest VM. Name this machine vm01 and ensure it is updated to current software levels (yum update). Be sure to add user joker to your VM. Also check that the firewall is the default Desktop firewall.#Ensure the VM guest network is functioning properly. You can use the "host" command to see if DNS queries are being answered. #Start firefox on vm01 and ensure you can surf the web with it.#Be sure to run the default Desktop firewall on both your VM and host. Use the command iptables-save to verify.#Once your VM guest network is working use the ifconfig command and record the IP adddress of your VM guest. The address should be something like 192.168.122.yyy.#At this point you should be able to shut down vm01 and start it again and your network should be working correctly. Test it to be sure it works.#Install the NFS software on both vm01 and your host using the command "yum install nfs-utils".#Add the following line to the bottom of the /etc/fstab file on vm01 /home nfs defaults 0 0
Logout of vm01 and shut it down.
PART B: ===Setting up the NFS Server on the Host=== *On your Fedora host machine edit /etc/exports so that it contains ONLY the following line: /home 192.168.122.yyy(rw,root_squash)
*where 192.168.122.yyy is the IP address of your guest VM.
#Start your nfs server with the command 'service nfs start'. NOTE: You'll have to adjust your firewall on the host to get NFS to work, so do this before you go on to the next step.#Start up vm01 and login as joker and run and record the output of the 'df -Th' command.#Back on your host PC run and record the output of the 'exportfs' and 'showmount -e' commands.#As joker on vm01, create an empty file using the touch command:# touch empty_file
Now shutdown vm01.

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