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[[Category:OPS335]][[Category:OPS335 Labs]]
==VSFTP Setup==
This lab will show you how to set up an FTP server inside a VM guest on a Fedora 13 host.
Since you'll be using a VM as the FTP server, you'll only require one lab PC. Remember, these are not group labs - please work individually.
===Background Information:===
FTP uses 2 TCP ports. The first, usually port 21, is used to send commands to the server (ls, cd, get, put, etc.) and to receive command replies from the server. The second, usually port 20, is used to send a file to the server during an upload or to receive a file from the server during a download.
*FTP can work in 2 modes: Active or Passive. **In active mode the client connects to the server on port 21. The server then connects back to the client from port 20. In both connections, the ports used on the client are insecure high-numbered ports ( greater than 1023 ). **In passive mode the client first connects to the server on port 21 and makes a second connection to a high-numbered port. As with active mode, the ports used on the client are insecure high-numbered ports ( greater than 1023 ).
FTP can be set up so that anonymous users (users without accounts on the server) may download and possibly upload files.
also start Firefox in the guest and ensure it can view outside web sites.
The FTP Greeting Banner should be set to "Welcome to OPS335 FTP Server".
Set the maximum number of concurrent client connections to 50.