<b><big><big>Installing and Configuring MySQL</big></big></b>
<big><font face=Georgia> In this page, you are going to install the MySQL server to your Fedora, and set a password to the root user.
MySQL is free database management system that is used by large web sites, such as Wordpress, Wikipedia, Twitter and Facebook. Because it threatens Oracle's business, it has been acquired by Oracle. It may stop the future open source development. </font></big>
#Login as root user
#Install the MySQL server: <b><font face=Tahoma><font color=green >yum mysql-server</font></font></b>
#Configure the MySQL server to start when the Fedora is booted: <b><font face=Tahoma><font color=green >chkconfig mysqld on</font></font></b>
#Start the MySQL server: <b><font face=Tahoma><font color=green >service mysqld start</font></font></b>
#Set a password to MySQL server's root user: <b><font face=Tahoma><font color=green >/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'yourpassword'</font></font></b>
#Test the root account: <b><font face=Tahoma><font color=green > mysql -u root -p </font></font></b>. Enter your new password. You should enable to login as root.
#Logout the session: <b><font face=Tahoma><font color=green >quit</font></font></b>
[[File:Mysql logo xyz.jpg ]]