===Serving Personal Home Page===
fdsfdsfds# Login as root user# Edit Apache Server configuration file <b><code><font color=brown > /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf </font></code></b>#* Inside IfModule tag, comment <b>“UserDir disable”</b> and uncomment <b>“UserDir public_html”</b># Restart the Apache server: <b><code><font color=green > service httpd restart</font></code></b># Logout root# Create a <b>public_html</b> directory inside your home directory# Change the permission of your home directory and the <b>public_html</b> to read and execute for other, so that the server can assess files in <b>public_html</b> by name. Enter follow command:#* <b><code><font color=green > chmod 705 /home/user/public_html </font></code></b>#* <b><code><font color=green > chmod 705 /home/user </font></code></b># Create index.html in <b>public_html</b> directory, write some html code in the file.# Change the permission of index.htm to read only for other: <b><code><font color=green >chmod 704 /home/user/public_html/index.html </font></code></b># By default, selinux doesn't allow Apache Server to read file inside user's home. Change the default setting: <b><code><font color=green >setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs 1 </font></code></b># Check the context of public_html and index#* By default, selinux has <code><font color=purple >context type httpd_user_content_t</font></code> for <code><font color=purple >/home/[^/]*/((www)|(web)|(public_html))(/.+)?</font></code>#* Confirm the context type is correct: <b><code><font color=green >ls -Z public_html</font></code></b># Open a browser, and enter <code> http://hostname/~your-user-id/</code>. Your personal page should display.