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Tung httpd conf

199 bytes added, 17:31, 27 July 2011
Creating a Public Web Page
===Creating a Public Web Page===
# Login as root user
# Configure the Apache server to start when the Fedora is booted: <b><code><font color=green >chkconfig httpd on</font></code></b># Start the Apache server: <b><code><font color=green >service httpd start</font></code></b># Create index.html in <b><code><font color=brown >/var/www/html/ </font></code></b>directory, write some html code in the file# Open a browser, and enter <code> http://localhost</code>. Your page should display.# Make web page accesses by other hosts: <b><code><font color=green >iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport http -j ACCEPT</font></code></b>

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