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Delta debugging framework

2,959 bytes removed, 14:16, 17 April 2013
Reverted edits by Saoagent (Talk) to last revision by Reed
([[#top|↑ top]])
[ Delta debugging] is an automated approach to debugging that isolates failures systematically. Given a failing test that can be mechanically verified (including a browser crash), [ delta debugging] is a way of automatically isolating the change that introduced the failure. Having  For developers, the occurrence of a scenario similar to this happens all too often: a developer codes a piece of functionality that works. Then, over a period of time, multiple changes to the program source files are made and that piece of functionality stops working. The cause of the regression could be any of the changes that were made since the time the functionality was last known to work. To isolate the cause of the regression, the developer begins the debugging process. Generally, debugging is a manual process where the developer must walk through the code while trying to keep track of variables and function calls. Sure, there are debuggers that can help you keep track of variables, the call stack, watch certain blocks of code, and execute the code step by step, however debugging is still mainly a manual process. Written in perl, given# that the source code is located in an SVN repository (support for CVS in the future)# a test case that can automatically verify whether or not a piece of functionality of a program works or not# a way to automatically build the program from the source code (if needed)the delta debugging framework aims to automatically isolate the failure-inducing changes to the source code that caused a regression. == Project License == Written in place perl, given a test case that can automatically verify whether or<br />not a piece of functionality of a program works or not, the delta debugging<br />framework aims to pull builds from CVSautomatically isolate the failure-inducing changes to the<br />source code that caused a regression.<br /><br />Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Chu, Aditya Nanda Kuswanto, bisect Dean William Woodside<br /><br />This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under<br />the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by date and change set the Free Software<br />Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (using at your option) any later<br />version.<br /><br />This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT<br />ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS<br />FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br /><br />You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with<br />this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple<br />Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA<br /><br />[ bonsai ] data gpl-- remember, CVS doesn't have changesets!license.php The GNU General Public License (GPL)Version 2, and report results would let computers make developers more productiveJune 1991]<br /><br />Contact Information about the authors of the delta debugging framework can be found<br />on our individual profile pages.
== Project Leader(s) ==
''Name(s) of people casually working on the project, or who have contributed significant help. Include links to personal pages within wiki. <br />NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You '''can’t''' add your own name to the Contributor list.''
[[User:Reed|Reed Loden]] - Setup the CVS repository for us with the web front-end. Provided direction in querying Bonsai (a means to extract the output in XML).<br>
[[User:Elichak|Liz Chak]] - Documentation of the subroutines in the and source files.
== Project Source Repository ==
([[#top|&uarr; top]])
Assuming you have [ SVN], the project's source can be obtained via SVN using the following command:
svn checkout svn://
The source can also be obtained at the following links:
* [ Delta Debugging]
* [ Delta Debugging Framework.tar.bz2]
The test cases can be obtained via SVN using the following command
svn checkout svn://
The source can also be obtained at the following links:
* []
* [ DeltaTest.tar.bz2]
== Project Details ==
== Project Facts and Assumptions Principles ==
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'''Project Facts:'''
# The source tree for the Mozilla project is HUGE. With many different source file types (C++, JS, XUL, etc.) in many different directories.
# The developer has a test case that can be used indicate whether the test passes/fails/is indeterminate.
# The developer will NOT know the date/version of the last known good version.
# Bonsai is a tool that can produce a list of differences between versions of a source file. (Bonsai's functionality has not been examined closely yet but will have to as it may be a key component to the framework)
'''Possible Vision of the Delta Debugging Framework''':
(subject to change based on stakeholder consultation/feedback, feasibility study)
# Since the last time a developer executed a test case that passed, the developer modified some source files. The source files may be of the same type or mixed type, same directory or different directory. It shouldn't matter. The framework should be source type and location agnostic. Upon executing the test case again, the result is now a failure. The developer panics. It's only days before the deadline to submit bug patches before the source tree is supposed to be closed for release and the bug is a blocker. The developer doesn't want to be shamed for delaying the release, and the source code is too complex to find the bug in time, so what should they do? Use the delta debugging framework! that's what. How? you may ask. Well keep reading to find out. <small>* scenario may vary.</small>
# The delta debugging framework may require the developer to input one piece of information. The test case/function that used to pass but now fails. It will be used to determine whether the source files with progressive changes passes/fails the test.
# Once the developer has inputted this piece of information, it will use Bonsai to query the source tree and compile a list of all the changes to the source files since a certain amount of time.
# (If there was a method of determining change dependencies so as to eliminate the possibility of inconsistencies, it would be done in this step. One possible way of reducing the possibility of inconsistencies is to logically group changes by location or check in time.)
# This step would be where the delta debugging algorithm would come into play. The algorithm should basically:
## Recursively, incrementally remove changes from the source code with the regression.
## Recompile the source tree.
## Execute the test case. There may be 3 outcomes:
### The test case passes. We know that the failure-inducing change(s) are in the change(s) that were removed.
### The test case fails. We know that the failure-inducing change(s) are not exclusively in the change(s) that were removed. I say not exclusively because of the concept of Interference (described above).
### The test case is indeterminate. There were some inconsistencies.
== Project Flowchart ==
# Once this is done, the framework will deliver the cause of the failure in a report for the user and the operation is finished.
 == Project Source Repository Test Cases == The test cases used in this project are located in the [[Delta_debugging_testcases|Delta Debugging Testcases page]]. == Project Roadmap ==
([[#top|&uarr; top]])
Assuming you have [ SVN[Delta Debugging Framework Roadmap|Delta Debugging Framework Roadmap]], the project's source can be obtained via SVN using the following command:
svn checkout svn:The page outlines our current vision of the delta debugging framework and a roadmap of the work that needs to be completed to accomplish our vision. This roadmap may be subject to change and//cdotor expanded as our vision expands through feedback and requests from others, our own ideas,
== Project Task List Partial Class Diagram ==
([[#top|&uarr; top]])
<table style="width: 100%;" class="standard-table" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td colspan="4"><strong>Priority Legend</strong></td></tr> <tr style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center"> <td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="width: 33%;">High Priority</td> <td bgcolor="#0000FF" style="width: 33%;">Medium Priority</td> <td bgcolor="#008080" style="width: 33%;">Low Priority</td> </tr></table><br /><table style="width: 100%;" class="standard-table" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td colspan="4"><strong>Status Legend</strong></td></tr> <tr style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center"> <td bgcolor="#00FF00" style="width: 33%;">Task Most of the classes in blue exist in the source repository. The classes in pale yellow are classes that won't be completed</td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00" style="width: 33%;">Task started but not complete</td>in the first release. <td bgcolor="#FF0000" style="width: 33%;">Task not started</td> </tr></table><br /><table style="width[[Image: 100%;" class="standard-table" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th>Task</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Priority</th> <th>Assigned to</th> <th>Status</th>Dd_partialclassdiagram2.PNG]] </tr>
<tr> <td colspan="5"><strong>Unit Tests</strong> </td> </tr>= Project News ==
<tr> <td>Unit tests for the various parts of the delta debugging framework.</td> <td>It would be nice to have unit tests that thoroughly tests each part of the framework to ensure the correctness of the functions. It would be nice to have unit tests for each different part: ([[# Change/Changeset hierarchy of files#Build-related files#RCS-related files#Test framework related files#Delta Debugging Algorithm module</td> <td bgcolor="#008080" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: boldtop|&uarr; text-align: center">Low</td> <td>Nobody</td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00">There are some unit-like tests that tests parts of the framework. However, they are either not thorough or outdated.# tests some of the functionality of the Change/Changeset hierarchy of classes. However it is not thorough and outdated.# tests some of the functionality of the Build classes. However, it is not thorough.# tests some of the functionality of the RCS classes. However, it is not thorough.# tests some of the functionality of the delta debugger module. However, it is not thorough.</td> </tr>top]])
<tr> <td colspan="5"><strong>Change set / Change</strong> </td> </tr>''This is where your regular updates will go. In these you should discuss the status or your work, your interactions with other members of the community (e.g., Seneca and Mozilla), problems you have encountered, etc. Put detailed technical information into the Project Details page (i.e., update it as you go), and save this section for news about participation in the project.''
<tr> <td>Retrieval of Change / Change set</td> <td>The Granularity concept. A single revision may consist of hundreds or thousands of lines of code that were changed, yet only a couple lines of the change may be responsible for the regression. Thus, There must be a method to break the change into smaller manageable chunks=== Dec. The different types of chunks we may breaking up a changeset are: Revision, Directories, Files, Code Blocks22, and Lines.</td> <td bgcolor2006 ="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Currently can retrieve change sets of type Revision, Directory, and File. NOT going to complete retrieval of Code Block, Line of Code change set. </td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Application of Change / Change set</td> <td>OK. Change sets can be retrievedI haven't posted an update in a while. Now So what's been done? You must be able to apply a change or change set or subset of a change set to the source tree. Your mission is to figure out how to do that.</td> <td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Can apply a changeset (specified by array of indices passed in) for a Revision, Directory, and File Changeset. NOT going to complete application of Code Block or Line changeset. </td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Unapplication I finally had some time to do a second round of Change / Change set</td> <td>Changesets obviously must be able to be appliedtesting & debugging of the delta debugging framework. But changesets must also be able And guess what? It ''seems'' to be unappliedwork now. Your mission is to figure out how to do that.</td> <td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Can unapply a changeset (specified by array The problem? Combination of indices passed logical errors when applying and unapplying changes in) for the framework and a Revision, Directory, and File Changesetbad test case. NOT going to complete unapplication of Code Block or Line changesetGo figure. </td> </tr>
However, before I get ahead of myself and officially tag and release the delta debugging framework as version 0.1, I would like to test it out on another test program. Hopefully, this can be done this weekend. And if all goes well, version 0.1 will be officially released before the end of the year.
<td colspan="5"><strong>GNU Make</strong> ([])
<td>Wrapper around the GNU make utility</td>
<td>Mozilla uses the GNU make utility to build their source tree. your mission is to make a wrapper around the GNU make utility so that the make command can be programmatically called to build the source tree.</td>
<td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td>
<td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td>
<td bgcolor="#00FF00">Wrapper created: ''''. Can execute the make command with options specified by the user.
<tr> <td colspan="5"><strong>Subversion (SVN) Repository</strong> ([http://subversion.tigris==]13, []) </td> </tr>2006 ===
<tr> <td>Wrapper around Created [[Delta_debugging_testcases|Delta Debugging Testcases]] page to discuss the necessary SVN commands</td> <td>For nature of the automated debugging test cases created to work, we may need to automatically modify test the working copy by reverting to a different revision or updating certain directories and filesalgorithm. It may also need to know Included in the differences between revisions and changesets.</td> <td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Wrapper page are 2 testcases created: so far, the '''HelloWorld'. Currently has subroutines for ''commitbinary test and the '', 'Sudoku'update'', test. Both tests can be found in the ''diff'deltatest', and ''svn repository. The repository can be checked out using this command:<pre> svn checkout'' commandssvn://cdot.senecac. May need to wrap other SVN commandson.<ca/td> deltatest </trpre>
<tr> <td>Query SVN repository for differences between two revisions</td> <td>Your mission is to find out Exactly 12 days before Christmas, the relevant commands that can return delta debugging framework has been released under the differences between two revisions, the meta-data that is kept with each revision, how differences between two revisions are stored and formatted, and how this data can be parsed into a usable form for our project (wrapper?).</td> <td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align[http: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Donewww.<> <licenses/tr>gpl-license.php GPL Version 2] License.
Unfortunately, we haven't had the time to test the delta debugger much since Dec. 09, 2006 because of exams, other school work; Planning to spend some time this weekend to test the delta debugger and figure out why it currently seems to not be able find the minimal set of failure inducing directories/files (whether its because of unreliable test case or logical error in the program).
A roadmap of our vision of the direction of the project will be heading in the future will be created and posted soon.
<td colspan="5"><strong>CVS/Mozilla Bonsai</strong> ([], [ CVS Book])<br />In my mind, Bonsai may be too bloated for our needs.
<tr> <td>Wrapper around the necessary CVS commands</td> <td>For the automated debugging to work=== Dec. 11, we may need to automatically modify the working copy by reverting to a different revision or updating certain directories and files. It may also need to know the differences between revisions and changesets.</td> <td bgcolor2006 ="#0000FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">Medium</td> <td>[[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]]</td> <td bgcolor="#FF0000">Just starting out.</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Query CVS repository Uploaded testcase for differences between two revisions</td> <td>Your mission is to find out '''HelloWorld''' binary at '''deltatest svn'''. The test simulates the relevant commands error that can return may occur when compilation fails due to syntax error. The exalted HelloWorld program is located on the differences between two revisionsHelloWorld directory, while the meta-data that test definition is kept with each revision, how differences between two revisions are stored at The algorithm detects failed test and formatted, and how this data can be parsed into a usable form for our project (wrapper?).</td> <td bgcolor="#0000FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">Medium</td> <td>[[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]]</td> <td bgcolor="#FF0000">Just starting outreverts the affected file to the version where the test passes.</td> </tr>
<tr> <td colspan="5"><strong>Test Case(s)</strong> ([httpNote for the future:// Tindexbox])</td> </tr>improve user feedback functions!
<td>Creation / Extraction of Test Case(s)</td>
<td>We need test cases that can return whether or not the test passes or fails. Tinderbox has a couple of tests that are executed after the source is built. Extract those tests from the Tinderbox source code so that we can use them in this project. We also need a test case that can pass/fail consistently so that we can test the delta debugger.</td>
<td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td>
<td>[[User:Ankuswan|Aditya Nanda Kuswanto]]</td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFF00">Work in progress. Found the tests! Now need to figure out how to run them and how they work.</td>
<tr> <td>Test Framework</td> <td>We ideally need a way to allow users to specify the test(s) to be run easily without them having to modify the delta debugging module=== Dec. </td> <td bgcolor10, 2006 ="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00">Work in progress.</td> </tr>
<tr>Where is the CVS/Bonsai work heading? Here is a breakdown of the past 3-4 weeks:* Initially was going for a straight wrapper around CVS ala the style Richard used for SVN.* Tried to find some functionality within Bonsai that could make it easier.* Talked to Reed Loden, he set up a repository for us to try with. Thanks Reed! <td colspan=* Thought that there may be some additional (read: unpublished) tools that could be worked with. Got in contact with some of the "5Project Participants"><strong>Obtaination of Test Repositories<listed on []. Was told the person in particular wasn't a contributor (just submitted a bug report). They in turn pointed me to [irc://strong><>#mozwebtools #mozwebtools]. <* Lurked on [irc://>#mozwebtools #mozwebtools] for a few weeks. Talked to 'justdave' about Bonsai. Reed Loden chimed up and informed me that Bonsai can output to XML using ?xml=1 on the query (score! thanks again).* Researched some PERL parsing utilities. Trying out XML::LibXML for DOM-style parsing.* Hopefully wrap something up by Wednesday. Failing that, might just go with simple CVS wrapper of some sort.
<td>Obtaination of test SVN Repository</td>
<td>We have an SVN repository that holds our delta debugging framework source files. We need another SVN repository that we could use to test our framework.</td>
<td bgcolor="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td>
<td>[[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]]</td>
<td bgcolor="#00FF00">Done. The URL to the test SVN repository is: svn://</td>
<td>Obtaination of test CVS Repository</td>
<td>When the CVS version of the framework is completed, it will be useful to have a test CVS repository that we could use to test our framework.</td>
<td bgcolor="#0000FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">Medium</td>
<td>[[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]]</td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFF00">Work in progress. The CVS repository has been created. The web interface to the repository is: [ here]. Apparently need to just get some forwarding issues resolved.</td>
<tr> <td colspan="5"><strong>Implementation of Delta Debugging Algorithm</strong> ([ Yesterday, my program worked. Today, it does not. Why?])<br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>The Algorithm</td> <td>The delta debugging algorithm. Drives the framework to retrieve change sets, apply changes, build source tree, run test case(s) to find the minimal set of failure inducing changes. The intersection of all other parts of the framework to make them work together== Dec. Ideally09, should be abstract enough for easy extensibility with little impact.</td> <td bgcolor2006 ="#8B00FF" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center">High</td> <td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00">Work in progress. Currently, it can theoretically find the failure inducing revision, and the minimal failure inducing set of directories.</td> </tr></table>
== Points of Confusion ==What has been done since last week?* Got a test program and uploaded it to svn:// The pristine working version is revision 4. The latest committed copy is revision 8. The regressive code was committed somewhere in between. * Started testing the delta debugging framework.
([[#top|&uarr; top]])The results of the testing?
[[Bonsai issue]] -- '''unresolvedFinding the minimal revision set/last known good revision'''
Works. The delta debugger correctly reverts to a previous revision, builds the source code, and runs the test case. The test case returns the proper results on whether or not it passes or fails. The delta debugger correctly stops at revision 4 - the last known good version.
When I get confused, I draw diagrams.'''Finding the minimal failure-inducing set of directories'''
Indeterminate. There is only 1 directory in the source repository so that directory should be returned as the minimal failure inducing set of directories. Does it return it? yes and no.
[[Image:Dd_partialclassdiagramThe delta debugger correctly applies all of the changes within that directory. And I think it correctly builds the source tree and runs the test case. However, the return code of the test case is not as expected. I expect the test case to report that the test fails, however, it reports that it passes. Thus, the delta debugger returns no directories as failure inducing.PNG]]
However, if I force the test case to return the expected result, then the delta debugger correctly returns the directory as the failure-inducing one.
'''The Clear: Seemingly Straight Forward'''I suspect (or at least hope) that the indeterminate results of finding the failure inducing set of directories is because of a possibly unreliable or inconsistent test case. However, I can not be sure until I rule out the test case as the problem.
The RCS tree is straight forward. It will encapsulate '''Finding the data and operations related to the revision control system. SVN wraps the operations of the SVN revision control system, CVS will wrap the operations minimal failure-inducing set of the CVS revision control system, etc.files'''
The Build tree is straight forwardIndeterminate. It wraps There are multiple source files in the build tool used to build repository. Does it return the correct failure-inducing source treefile? I don't know. I have the same suspicions for this as for the directory changeset.
'''Based on the testing, it seems to be able to cycle through every combination of changes in the changeset, apply the combination of changes, build the source code, and run the test case. The Blurry: Current Points of Confusion'''test case just seems to not report the correct test results.
RCS's can remember the changes (deltas) that occurred in previous versions of a file, the history of changes that occur between revisions, etc.
A Changeset and its subclasses will encapsulate the idea of a set of changes. A set of changes could be broken down into various categories such as a specific revision, a list of directories, a list of files, a list of blocks of code, and finally a line of code.
A Change and its subclasses encapsulate the idea of a single change=== Dec. A change can be a change made within a directory03, change made within a file, change made to block of code, or a change to a line.2006 ===
A ChangesetFactory is supposed Committed some updated to return the SVN repository.* The test framework. There are a change set couple of files to the framework:,,,, It is loosely based on off of the type design of change set requestedthe JUnit framework. Why such an elaborate design just for the need of users to define the test case that can determine whether or not a piece of functionality works or not to be run? For a few reasons that I may be adamant about:# To get use the requested change setdelta debugging framework, one needs the user should not have to know touch the type of revision control system (SVN, CVS, other, etcDeltaDebugger.) pl file to define the tests and/or how to run them. Using the testing framework, this can be done by subclassing the data required to connect to itTestCase. So there obviously need a link between RCS pl class and ChangesetFactory/Changesetoverriding the run() subroutine. The question is how? What is # For the proper/best way delta debugger to link them together? One way is work, it needs to pass in an RCS object know whether the test case passes or fails. Using the test framework, I hope to control the possible return codes of the ChangesetFactory which would then tests to either pass or fail only.* that object tests the functionality of the test framework.* updates to the appropriate Changeset subclassDeltaDebugger. I don't like that solution but it's pl to make use of the simplesttest framework.
Also, the method to get a change set for SVN may be different from CVS. So there may be a Changeset hierarchy for SVN and another one for CVS. I don't like the idea of that at all. There must be another way.
'''Crunch time. One week left. The Blindhigh priority tasks that still need to be done: Future Points # Acquisition of Confusions'''a program we could use to test the delta debugging framework. See [[#How_to_Get_Involved|How To Get Involved]] for more info.# Test, debug the delta debugging framework.
* Applying a change in a changeset. Should the Changeset subclasses be able to do that? Are they the information expert? They know about the changes. Should they know how to apply them? How would we go abouts applying a subset of changes in a changeset? For example, there may have been changes in 10 different directories, how would we apply the changes from say 4 of the 10 directories and not the others?
* Connecting all 3 hierarchies together. Need to be able to connect to SVN, need to be able to get and apply changes, need to be able to build the source tree.
* The actual delta debugging algorithm.
But that's all for the future=== Nov.26, 2006 ===
Committed some updates to the SVN repository.* Updated the delta debugging algorithm module. I didn't realize this yesterday but the algorithm to find the minimal set of failure inducing files (and code block and line of code changes if those changeset types ever gets dones) is the same (with minor modifications) as the algorithm that can find the minimal set of failure inducing directories. Thus I generalized that algorithm to remove the directory changeset specific code so that it will work with all other types of changesets.* Removed the debugging/test related code from the source files.CVS Repository Setup (thanks to [[user:reed|Reed Loden!]]): ''''''*[ Project News ==deltatest ViewVC Web Repository Browser]*If you want commit access for whatever reason, email one of the project members
([[#top|&uarr; top]])'''Milestone:'''* Even though the test framework is incomplete, I think we can go ahead and begin the initial testing of the delta debugger on a real regressive program as I think we are ready. Coincidentally, exactly 2 months after the first project news posting on Sept. 26, 2006.
''This is where your regular updates will go=== Nov. In these you should discuss the status or your work25, your interactions with other members of the community (e.g., Seneca and Mozilla), problems you have encountered, etc. Put detailed technical information into the Project Details page (i.e., update it as you go), and save this section for news about participation in the project.''2006 ===
=== Nov. 26, 2006 ===
I haven't posted an update in a while so here goes. What's been done since then?
=== Nov. 19, 2006 ===
The earlier crash case we had (see the update directly below) was a non-regressive bug--there was no former build that worked with it.
=== Nov. 18, 2006 ===
*<strike>Found a suitable crash case thanks to the people of [irc:// #qa] (in particular, asqueella and Aleksej). For full details on the bug, see [ Bug #354300].</strike>
Please check back in a few days. Expect some templates and samples up shortly to help get you going. <u>The currently listed test types are subject to change.</u>
==Future of the Project==
Here are some of the ideas related to the continuation of this project. Included are some personal ideas of the team members, tasks to reach the overall objective (a working, robust, Delta Debugging Framework for Mozilla), and additional features/functionality that would enhance the framework. This is subject to change, and a project roadmap will be written in the near future.
===CVS Support via Bonsai===
For the exploration into Bonsai and to see where it is/was heading, please view the [[delta debugging framework bonsai direction|Bonsai Direction]]. It is likely that a workable solution could be produced utilizing some of the details found in the link. This functionality would be particularly useful to Mozilla as this [Bonsai] is the technology they currently use.
===Enhancement of the Algorithm===
Richard's great algorithm can be further enhanced using a binary search-like approach that splits the revision from the current, all the way back to when the regression was first noticed (or, alternatively, when the crash case last known to have worked). Currently it works in a sequential manner, testing all previous revisions in order.
:'''More Granularity'''
:For this course, Richard's algorithm supported down to the file-level of change. In the future, it could go as far as evaluating changes in lines of code.
===Fleshed Out Test Suite Design===
The test suite test types should be further fleshed out and individual tests gathered (no participation from the class was possible due to time constraints; the test suite design wasn't fully explored and documented). Test suites could be put together for each major project (Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, Bugzilla, etc.).
===More Crash Cases===
More crash cases need to be found for the success in testing the project.
===Unit Tests===
A debugging framework, more so than other projects, should have its code quality tested and scrutinized heavily.
===Code Review===
Perhaps some manual audits could be performed by hand from outside contributors in the future.

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