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Using Pitivi Non-Linear Video Editor

7 bytes removed, 22:30, 29 June 2011
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:To set a key-frame, point and click the mouse on the video clip, and click the key-frame button on the Marker toolbar. In order to change the level of the video, simply click and drag the key-frame handle up or down. You can create multiple key-frames in order for fade-ins and fade-outs. You can preview the edited video clip to verify the result. Note: The user can always UNDO the editing change by clicking EDIT -> UNDO, or press the shortcut keys CTRL-z.
<td>[[Image:keyframe1.png|thumb300px|'''Selection of Key-frames''' in <u>video section</u>. ]]</td>
<td>[[Image:keyframe2.png|thumb|200px|'''Keyframe''' Button ]]</td>
<td>[[Image:keyframe3.png|thumb|300px|'''Manipulation of key-frames''' (ie. "fade-to-black") ]]</td>

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