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Controlling Workstations (Italc)

18 bytes added, 14:57, 12 June 2011
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:The ability for an instructor in one glance to view all student activity can be very useful:
::* Check to see if students are having problems::* Monitor the progress of all of the students::* Check to ensure that students are not distracted (eg. "surfing the Net instead of creating a Word-processing document).::* Ability to view while sitting-down and not "hovering over students' workstations
===== Focus on a Particular Student Account =====
:In order to focus on a specific student's desktop (account), simply point on the workstation, and double-click.
:There are some advantages for the teacher to use this strategy:
::* Allow the student to demonstrate with instructor watching (without "hovering" over workstation)::* Provides a method to have a student demonstrate a technique or skill, and allow other students to view data display projection to learn, then practice technique on their own workstation.::* Instructor has control over the student's mouse pointer (in addition to the student) to help guide the student in learning
'''SUGGESTION: It is recommended for the instructor to guide, not necessarily take full control away from the student while they are learning...'''
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:The instructor can lock all student workstations.
:Usually, this is a technique that can be used when an instructor wants students not to become distracted while an important lesson or announcement is made that requires full student attention.
:It is a common fact that students can become distracted when having access to a computer. Although many "games" have been removed from the student's accounts, they may still be distracted by the web-browser ("surfing the Net:).
===== Full Screen / Windowed Demo =====
:Unfortunately, Locking all student computer accounts (discussed above) may "force" the students to focus their attention to the data display projection.
:On the other hand, an instructor can select "Full Screen Demo" in order to broadcast the instructor's desktop to all of the students' workstation monitors.
:In this way, students will not become distracted, and have the option to either view their screen or the data display projection.
:When the instructor turns-off the Full Screen Demo, then control is restored back to the students, to practice their learned skills.
:'''SUGGESTION: Studies have shown that students relate better to a combination of theory and practice. An instructor can break down curriculum into a series of "micro-teaching" sessions, followed by "Practice-Time" or a project.'''

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