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971 bytes added, 19:04, 17 November 2006
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:electedtreeitem.firstChild.setAttribute('style', 'background: #FF0000');
=== [ Specifying window.onload function] ===
To specify a function to run when the window is loaded,add the following code between the script tags in the XUL file:
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) { startup(); }, false);
Similarly, for onunload use the code:
window.addEventListener("unload", function(e) { shutdown(); }, false);
== UnAnswered Questions (UAQ) ==
=== [ Can I change the shape of the edge of the Toolbarbutton element?] ===
=== [ Custom alert window] ===
=== [ Updating observes attribute] ===
=== [ Hover Help on Dynamically Generated XUL Elements] ===

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