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Volunteer Demo

54 bytes added, 14:50, 8 April 2011
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I could easily see myself absorbed in this documentation indefinitely, and thus the need for volunteers to allow me to focus on this activity. This is why I feel that I simply don't have any time to volunteer for "other things" like ushering or coffee-time. '''I like this to be an informational resource that someone could view first, prior to asking...''' I don't know if it relates to other people, but anything technical in nature is usually not seen by others without some sort of resource such as this...I like this to be an informational resource that someone could view first, prior to asking...
I don't think that the church can thrive without this type of resource to allow the congregation full access to "bust myths due to ", misconceptions or wrong assumptions. I believe that, '''instead of worrying about easing into this topicdelicately tip-toeing around the subject, the facts should be put laid-out therefor everyone to see'''. A type of "reality-version" of a stewardship campaignso to speak.

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