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Volunteer Demo

213 bytes added, 14:31, 8 April 2011
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Although I don't see this adopted in the near future, I believe having a visual picture of volunteers needs provides a more holistic approach to volunteering at Westminster U.C.
In addition to this diagram, each person should indicate their short-term and long-term goals and needs for volunteering. This will create a database or resource to help analyse and match-up work, etc. By being totally transparent, this will provide ample evidence of how much one does, and the challenged that all the church members must accept and address for continued success in order for the church to thrive.
I am still wrestling with me providing fee-based courses at Westminster due to cost/benefit analysis. Curriculum design is an IMMENSE time-related activity. I am literally "straddling the fence" wondering whether or not to risk the huge time effort in developing curriculum if there will not be sufficient and continued enrolment of students to pay as a return on my time investment...

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