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Automatic ExclusiveArch Addition/Removal

42 bytes removed, 09:08, 7 April 2011
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Conf File?<Br>
#AutoArch Config File (Do not change comments)<Br> #Set Line to Modify:<Br> ExcludeArch:<Br> #Set Architecture to Modify:<Br> Arm<Br> #Add or Remove Above Settings From Spec (A/R)<Br> A<Br> #Subdirectory for Output<Br> test_output<Br> #Add above this line when not found<Br> BuildRequires:<Br> #PACKAGES TO MODIFY (Enter each on its own line below this line)<Br> test.spec<Br> test2.spec<Br>
Goals for 0.3?<Br>

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