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Computer Lab Manual

4 bytes removed, 10:29, 29 March 2011
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:* '''Network Information:'''
::* Thin client configuration (LTSP - Linux Terminal Server Project). Server acts as router (NIC card eth0 connected to Internet. NIC card eth1 connected to switch). Switch, in turn, connects thin clients. Server and switch(es) are located in the cupboard (locked).
* '''Operating SystemSoftware'''
:* '''Linux OS Information:'''
::* Edubuntu 10.10 64-bit (Educational version of Ubuntu). Kernal Version:
::*Step-by-Step Guide to install and setup Italc lab management tool: [ ]
::*For more information on Lab Administration, see '''"Computer Lab Administration"''' section below.
::* '''Accounts'''
:* List of Computer Accounts: [ ]
:* '''Applications'''::* List of Current Applications: [ ]

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